Chapter 37- I Need A Break

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How are you guys liking the story? ☺️ thoughts? Also, I'm making a book called "I'm Fine", another Cam story so check it out please! Read what it's about and then comment if you'll read it! 💕

I wake up to not find Cameron where he was when I fell asleep. He was sitting on his balcony, drinking a beer, just staring out into the city. I get up and put on his sweatshirt laying on the floor randomly. It was already night time. I can't believe I slept that long.

I approach the doors to head outside where he was. Even when I shut the doors behind me, even making noises, he didn't even look at me. Didn't flinch at all. I sit on the chair beside him and place my hand gently on his hand that's resting on the arm rest of his chair.

"Hey?" I try to say with a little happiness to show him I was doing better but he wasn't responding. He didn't even react to me touching his hand. "Cam, what's wrong?" I get in front of him so he had no chance to ignore me anymore.

"You're a foster kid..." He says at a mellow tone and the feeling of panic overwhelms me once again and I run back into the apartment and a tear escapes my eye and runs down my cheek quietly.

I hear his footsteps coming from behind me and he grabs me from behind on my waist and I quickly whip away.

"You were never supposed to find out." I whimper out, unable to really look at him.

"You should've told me Brittany! This makes the situation even worse. You lying to me."

I look down at the floor unable to control a steady pace of breathing and crying. I felt completely ashamed and embarrassed.

"I'll just have Matt take me home." I wipe some of the tears away from under my eyes and grab my phone from him and head out the door.

I go across the hall and knock on Matt's door and he doesn't open but Aubrey does. Exactly who I needed to see right now.

"Brittany?" She says confused but I immediately fall into her arms in tears. "Hey hey hey! What's wrong?"

I couldn't find the words to answer but I take to notice she was looking over my shoulder at Cam's closed door.


I immediately chased after her. I was more confused about the situation than she was probably.

"I really don't know what this meant for us right now. I don't want it to be over, but this is too much drama for me to handle right now. I can't handle this much stress that I get enough with for my career just now taking off. I love her so much. I really do, I just need a break. I'm so sorry." I say as I see her hugging Aubrey crying her eyes out.

"Great job kicking her while she's down you douche bag!" Aubrey yells at me and slams the door in my face.


"He said he'd never hurt me." I whisper in a cry into Aubrey's shoulder as we sit on the couch.

"Well I know where he's coming from, you lied. I understand you had a reason to, but you should've told him the truth as soon as things got serious. If he truly loved you as much as he says, he would've understood."

She was right and I hated it.

Soon I hear foot steps coming from the hallway of the apartment, followed by a familiar and comforting voice and a light hand being placed on me.

"Hey! What's wrong princess?!" Matt says taking me from Aubrey. I am immediately hugged by him and try and settle my tears so I don't get my running make up on his shirt.

"I'm gonna go to bed bae, just wake me up if you need to talk." Aubrey says and I nod my head silently and try so hard to slow my crying but it wasn't working very well.


She was devastated. Something told me it had to be because of Cameron because she'd be with him right now if it wasn't him. Instead she's with me. In my arms. Finally.

Um so, I feel this chapter was really confusing in some parts. Sorry about that. It's 7 am and I still can't fully function. /:

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