Chapter 23- My First Time

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Dirty 😏😏💕 (Btw, pardon the f word being changed into everything but the actual word. Wattpad was being annoying and trying to tell me I was violating the rules.)


Jack has been kissing me ever since we stepped into the elevator of the apartment complex all the guys live in now.

"Jump." He whispers out of breath into my neck as the elevator door opens.

I do as told and jump into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist kissing his neck as he walked us to his apartment. We get to the door passing Cameron's apartment awkwardly but I immediately ignored it and went back to what mattered, leaving a hickey on this boy's damn neck.

He opens his door with the passcode and soon we're heading up steps, Jack letting out quiet moans every step we took because of me just now finding his sweet spot.

I hear him open a door and I'm thrown onto a bed. I watch as before me, a hot Gilinsky slips his shirt off and gets on top of me wasting no time to meet my lips.

Out of breathe, he leaves me hanging, wanting more.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" He whispers out of breath, holding himself up with his arms parallel to the bed sheets.

"Yeah-" I take a breathe and really think about if I wanted to. "-yeah" I confirm and meet his lips again.

His tongue wrestles mine until I give up and let him control me. I run my hands down his abs, feeling giddy as my hands went over each muscle making me more and more excited for what's to come.

"Like what you're about to get?" He says panting as he makes his kisses onto my neck, quickly finding my sweet spot making me let out faint moans.

"Mhmm." I whimper.

I feel his hand creep down my stomach and reaches the hem of my shirt and tugs on it. I knew what he wanted and I was more than excited to give it to him.

I move my hands from his abs to my shirt and help him take it off me revealing my black lace bra from Victorias Secret. His hands creep from my sides to under neath me leading to the clip of my bra. I could tell he's done this before because he got it off no problem. He flings off my bra across the room and I immediately feel uncomfortable and insecure. I try covering myself a little with my arms but Jack wouldn't stop trying to pry off my arms as he made out with my neck.

"What's wrong?" He looks down at me with sexual frustration in his voice.

"This is my first time... And I don't feel comfortable with my body."

"Brittany, what is there not to be comfortable about? You are a complete package. Your beautiful inside and out."

"I just, don't feel right."

"It's all right, I'll be taking good care of you." He gives me a dirty smirk and attacks my left breast after pinning my arms to the bed.

All my worries were soon forgotten because it was such a damn turn on. He stops suddenly and makes his way off the edge of the bed and pulls my body closer to his eye level as he kneels on the floor. He slips off my shorts and I was automatically confused on what he was about to do.

"Wha- what are you doing?" I hold my body weight up using my arms as support so I could watch what he was doing.

"It's your first time, so... I want you to get the full experience..." He smirks and finishes pulling down my shorts until my black lace panties were visible. "I see you bought the ones I wanted to see you in."

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