Chapter 24- Freedom

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I wake up to an awful smell that immediately makes me gag. I run to the toilet and leaned over the edge. I felt like I was going to throw up any second. I wanted to throw up but after 20 minutes of sitting there I couldn't. I stand up and walk out of the bathroom. I haven't seen Jack all morning so I head out of the room and peak over the railing of the second floor I was on and look out into their living room. This was embarrassing. Jack J, Carter, Matt, Nash, Taylor, Cameron, and Jack G were all in the kitchen eating breakfast. Some of them trailed off to the living room couch to watch tv. I had to go down there because I needed to leave in a half hour. It was 9:00 and I had to be back at the hospital by 9:30. No later. I move into the foster home today. Yea!.... -_-

I slowly creep down the stairs after I run back into Jack's room again to grab my sweatshirt thrown on the floor and put on my jean shorts. All eyes were on me as I made it to the bottom step.

" Gilinsky, what's she doing here?" Taylor says raising his eyebrows trying not to be immature about it, but it wasn't working.

"None of your f*cking business." He quickly jumps at him and comes over to my side and kisses my cheek.

"Good morning my sexy girl." He whispers seductively for only me to hear as he pecks a kiss onto my lips and I couldn't help but smile.

"Hi" I idiotically blurt out not knowing what else to say to that.

He takes my hand, guiding me to a chair at the island counter beside Matt eating, and before I could blink Jack was placing a plate of eggs, bacon, and sasauge in front of me, making me automatically gag again, jumping out of my chair. In the process of what some may call, dramatic, I figure out in my head that what made me react the way I did, was the eggs. I don't know what it is about them in particular, but my stomach just automatically turns at the sight or smell of them.

Jack G rushes to my side holding my waist from behind. "Are you okay?!"

"Yeah, I need to go home now." I say scrambling for the door feet away as I try to keep everything down by holding my arm to my stomach.

Before I could swing the door completely open, Jack stops it.

"You can't leave yet! I had a whole say planned for us!" He gives me sympathetic eyes that I almost couldn't say 'no' to, but I knew I needed to leave this instant.

"We'll hang out tomorrow! I promise!" I latch my arms around his neck to hug him. I go to kiss him and he rejects, making me give him a confused look.

"No kisses today sick girl!" He jokes and opens the door for me, no one else in the room saying anything.


I shut the door behind Brittany and rejoin the guys in the kitchen; Nash, Matt, and Johnson. Cameron and Taylor were on the couch in the living room still facing us. Everyone was giving eachother confused looks that eventually ended up being directed towards me.

"What's the matter with her?" Taylor finally breaks the silence in the room.

"She's just feeling sick."

"Dude, I've never seen any girl act as strange as her. She comes downstairs, sits down, gags when food comes near her, and then leaves like nothing happened?!" Nash joins in.

I didn't respond as I walked up to my room rubbing the back of my neck not really knowing how to answer any questions they had, because, I'm going to admit, the way Nash just put it, it does make me think now. Why does she act like that? There's too many odd things happening everytime I see her now and I don't understand it. I mean, I like her a lot, but I might be going into this too quickly. I should've found out more about her before I went ahead and took her virginity.

I get into my room and shut the door behind me, heading over to my bed falling backwards on it, now staring at the ceiling like it was the most interesting thing in the world. I needed to think this through.


I was now back at the hospital and finished packing the last couple things. My room was painted back to the original white walls and this room now looked like nothing more than a regular hospital room. It looked depressing and boring.

"The foster parents are in the lobby waiting for you." Natalie says peeking her head in the door.

I sigh as I kneel on the floor trying to put Emma in her cat carrier and she wasn't too happy about it.

I finally get her in and close the metal door, and pick up the cage. I take one last look of the room and didn't know if I should be happy or sad at this point. I really just hope this is a new chapter of my life. I hope this chapter includes freedom.

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