Chapter 7- Free

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This chapter is dedicated to hibalovejb for being the type of reader I wish everyone would be for my book. To actually comment and tell me how they like the story, their thoughts on the characters or the current plot... Etc. so thank you, hibalovejb ! I hope you continue to read and comment 😘


"Deal's off isn't it?"

She takes a deep breath, staring me down, as I try to make a sympathetic plea.

"No..." She sighs.

"What?!!! Are you serious?! Thank you!" I attempt to give her a grateful hug, but stops me in my tracks and takes a deep and meaningful breath.

"How did you do it? I never give you any chance to be around anything sharp."

"Um....." I pause guessing on what she means. "....Staple." I uncomfortably answer.

She raised her eye brows surprised and makes her way over to Emma's food dish I have set up in the corner of the room. She fills the food for me and makes her way back over to the clipboard she left on my night stand.

"I'm sorry...." I barely make out after contemplating in my mind if I should say it or not.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be right back with your meal that you HAVE to eat."

She says to me before exiting the room with a smirk on her face. I grab my phone off my bed side and turn it on. I take a random selfie after putting on make up and post it on my Instagram with a shocking 28 followers! Wow... I'm pretty damn popular (note the sarcasm). I then open Twitter and surprisingly like the picture enough to make it my profile picture. (The picture is the one above.) I then start my daily routine of Twitter. Check Cam's profile to see the tweets that I didn't check earlier when my phone notified me.

Haven't been to the gym in a while. This feels great. ☺️

...Is the first tweet. I come up with a smart ass reply and when I'm satisfied, I tweet it.

@camerondallas who's f*cking you at the gym now to make you, "feel good", and where can I sign up? 😉

When I tweet it, a couple other, fellow dirty minded fans like me, favorite my tweet. I can't help myself, yes I've thought many of times what it'd be like the have sex but really, if I must admit, j think about having sex with Cameron everyday. Almost 3 times a day really. I'm not a slut. I just have a wild fantasy. (A.N: gonna admit that this is true about me. Lol)

I laugh at some replies, adding onto my tweet. They get dirtier and dirtier by the second. It was getting a little uncomfortable actually. Before I become too grossed out, I continue reading Cameron's tweets.

Forever and always?

That tweet touched my heart. I wish I was the one he was talking about...

@camerondallas always and forever.

I press send and it's added as a reply. Tweets like this make me constantly curious on how he treats his girlfriend. Oh, I haven't mentioned? Yes, the guy of my dreams has a girlfriend. She's pretty except for the fact she's too pretty. I was beyond jealous, and I'll admit it. She was beautiful and perfect. I never envied a person as much as I envied her. Her name is Nicole. She was vine famous like Cameron. She was only famous though for making lip syncing videos which are some how popular??? But as much as I say she's beautiful and sh*t, I can't leave out the fact, she's a complete b*tch.

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