Chapter 49- Right Where I Want You

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***1 WEEK LATER***


The show tonight was going to be back in LA and I haven't been back in now almost 2 years. I missed it so much and missed all the people I left behind there. I was mostly happy to be back with Cam again. Just to be able to run into his arms as soon as I get off the stage will make me overwhelmed with happiness.

I was now on the plane to LA actually, sitting next to the Jack's. Jacob and Shawn were sitting in the seats behind us which made me annoyed because almost the whole ride to LA they were trying to out sing eachother quietly, but loud enough to annoy me. Don't get me wrong, their voices are beautiful, but when you have it in your ear for 3 hours, it becomes annoying pretty quickly.

As I listen to music with my ear buds on, Jack G, sitting in the middle seat, places his hand on my thigh which makes me jolt.

"What are you doing?" I snap as I pull an ear bud out of my ear.

"Just was being friendly." He smiles and I relaxed a little at the sight of his smile, even though his hand didn't exactly move.

"Jack you know i'm with Cam so why can't you just stop making an effort to split us up again?"

"I'm not, I just want you to know that I'll always be here for you. With any sort of needs you have." He winks.

"Fuckboy" I mumble under my breath making him chuckle and look at me funny.

"What was that princess? I know I didn't hear what I think I heard!" He teases.

"Fuckboy!" I repeat myself and he pokes me in my stomach making me giggle because it tickled a little.

"Stop it!" Jacob comes from behind me and pops his head between Jack and I.

"Shut up Whitesides, you and Mr. Show-off Mendes can't speak without singing the whole ride so I wouldn't be talking!" Johnson leans over and back us up in a joking way. Apparently I wasn't the only one being annoyed by those two.

Jacob laughs and sits back down in his seat when the flight attendant's voice comes onto the loud speaker and announces that we're now landing and to make sure our seat belts are fastened and such.

The plane lands and we were now heading to baggage claim, all of us exshausted from jet lag. I was behind everyone, stumbling once and a while because I felt so tired it was difficult to even carry my own weight. Sammy, in front of me, turns around to notice me and makes everyone stop walking.

"Yo, Jack." He nudges Gilinsky making him turn around and see me dragging myself along to catch up.

I pick my head up from my stare at the floor to see Jack walking quickly over to me. He takes my backpack off my back and puts it on his, he picks me up bridal style and I immediately lay my head on his chest and quickly fall to sleep as we continue walking.


I wake up to see that we were in a airport van and now at a stop. I was on Gilinsky's lap and he was staring at me which made me giggle a little bit at his adorable smirk that was currently on his face, looking at me.

"Hello princess. We're home." He says in the most soothing, deep voice I've ever heard come from him.

"Where's Cameron?" I smile and Jack's smile immediately disappears."Oh, Jack, I'm sorry. That was stupid of me to say that..."

"No it's really my fault to think that I'd even have the slimmest chance with you anymore." He rolls his eyes and the car door in opened by Shawn outside the door.

I slip off Jack's lap and stand up stretching. Jack exits the van and immediately goes to the trunk and hands me my bags then gets back in the van. I become confused but things clear up when I see where we were at. A REALLY nice beach side mansion. If this is Cameron's now, I could get used to this very quickly!

"Cam's inside." Jacob says pulling me into a hug and kisses the top of my head then rejoins everyone else back in the van and they pull away.

I turn back to the house and begin walking up the sandy path. I missed California so much so this sand slipping through my vans would usually annoy the crap out of me, but I couldn't help but smile. The sun was setting and it was still even warm.

When I reach the door and knock, Cameron opens and I jump into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist. He holds me close and kisses my shoulders, head, and any other part of me he has current access to without saying anything.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too. More than you could ever imagine Cameron Dallas." I smile and a tear slips from my eye, just in time for him to set me down and stare into my brown eyes.

"Why would you possibly be crying babe?" He give me a faint laugh before wiping my tears with his tumbs.

"Because I missed you so incredibly much and I've been dreaming of this moment forever."

"Me too, come on inside. Let me show you our new home." He winks at me and takes my hand in his one hand and my luggage in his other, shutting the door behind us.

We come out of the main hall to the most gorgeous living room I've ever seen. It was decorated with the color scheme of turqoise and white, my favorite combonation, and had a beautiful chandelier hanging on the high ceiling to brighten every inch of the room.

"Cameron this is beautiful!" I say with my mouth hanging half open in astonishment.

"I'm glad you like it because I decorated it the way I thought you'd decorate it."

I turn to him so that we're chest to chest and gaze into his eyes. "Wanna show me the bedroom?" I smirk and he returns the gesture.

"It's not finished yet because I was going to allow you to decorate it any way you want, but we do have a whole mansion left. Pick your spot." His voice was filled with lust.

I kick off my shoes, not leaving eye contact with him, then slowly unbotton my flannel, button-up shirt, hopefully teasing the crap out of him. He begins biting his lip then reaching for my bare skin on my hips. I was now just in a bra and jean shorts and I could tell he was going crazy. I was tired, but I had him right where I wanted him and I'm not turning back now.

The Heart Wants What it Wants (Cameron Dallas) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now