Chapter 5- Lovely

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This chapter was inspired by the show, Red Band Society on FOX, that was sadly cancelled but I loved it. Actually the whole ending scene in this chapter, came right from this show. You should watch it. It's the most amazing show I've ever seen.



I wake up by the sound of Natalie's silver and gold rings tapping against the hard door. I sit up in my bed uneasily and rub my eyes, waking up Emma also, to a yawn and squinting eyes.

"Hey sleepy head, told you not to be out and about as late as you were last night!" Natalie tries to say happily to wake me up, as she opens my curtains, blinding me by sun light in the process.

"What time is it?" I say barely make out as my voice cracks.

"Noon. Get dressed and meet me in the hallway, your counselor/monitor is here." She says to me as if she were to think I'd be happy about that, and exits my room, managing to slam my door to really jolt me awake.

I groan but force my legs to kick off the covers and accidentally, Emma. I laugh as she falls off the bed but gets back up anyway looking annoyed, whisping her tail back and forth.

I stand up and walk over to my white, elegant, wooden dresser and pick out a black crop top, a white Jean jacket to go over it, black shorts, and a black sun hat. I was inside, but hey, I have hats to accessorize, so why not use them? I put on everything, then the hat last after I use my curling iron to put little waves in my blackish-brown, shiny hair. Within a 5 minute process I was done and went out to the hallway to meet Natalie waiting for me, looking down at her clip board.



"Okay, she's in the Rec. Room."

I follow Natalie, as we quickly speed through the white walls of the labyrinth they call a hospital, quickly losing my breath and slowly gaining the feeling of weakness.

I haven't talked to a counselor hired by the hospital in over at least, 5 months. Last time I wouldn't say a word. Just crossed my arms and made no eye contact because I wasn't aware that it was my ticket out. But this time, I am very aware. I was determined. Determined to finally get out of this hell hole and actually live life again. Or at least try...

We finally reach the Rec. Room and Natalie guides me into the room. I walk in and the door is shut behind me. I nervously, walk over to the couch set across from the older woman, and sit down. I've seen her before. She had brown, stringy, short hair and glasses. Also not to mention quite heavy. She was fighting her age... BAD.

"Hello Ms. Diamond, I'm Joyce Marshal, one of the hospital's personal counselors for the youth here. Just in case you've forgotten." She tries to joke.

She reaches her hand across the table and waits for me to shake her hand. I immediately zone out when a plate of greasy, disgustingly, unhealthy french fries sit in front of her, placed on the coffee table, with a bite taken out of a french fry. She touched it, and that's a no no for me. I can't touch greasy food, or people's hands who has recently touched it. It makes me feel nauseous. Haunted by that continuous feeling for weeks. It reminds me that I'm a freak. A freak that has a fear of something that is enjoyed by nearly everyone. Skinny people. Fat people. Young people. Old people. Babies, teenagers, adults, elders. Everywhere I look it's food. Why can't it all just stop?! I yell at myself.

I take a small breath and have to reach for her hand. As my hand touches hers and we quickly shake, I whip back my hand, with my heart racing. Pounding so fast and loud, the sound blasted through my ear drums, ready to amplify out of my head. Or at least that's how it seemed.

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