Chapter 18- Speak Truth

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This chapter is dedicated to fangirl_656 because she made my day with the comment on the last chapter :)


"Just drop me off here." I quickly state when I see the hospital in the distance, a block away, but houses on this road. The place where Jack picked me up the first time.

"Why here?" He says as he maneuvers the car to the side of the road and pushes the break.

I had to come up with a quick lie. "Because my parents can't see that I was with a guy."

"Why? Your 18, you're an adult."

I keep forgetting about that lie the most. "I know but... Don't make me explain. Just let me out here." He sighs and unlocks my door.

I grab my things and open the door awkwardly.

"What time should I pick you up tomorrow?"

"Pick me up at this same spot at whatever time you need to. Just make sure it's around 3."

"Why 3?"

"Nevermind. Just text me when you need me to be here to wait for you."

"You are a strange girl Brittany, you know that right?" He laughs as I look at him with a grin.

I lean in over to his side and place my hand on his cheek, turning his head to face me, staring at his lips and back up to his eyes. He copies my actions and prepares his lips. Just a centimeter away from our lips connecting, I quickly turn his cheek again and kiss his cheek instead and bolt out of the car.

"NO FAIR! YOU TEASE!" He shouts and soon laughs as I race out of the car.

I turn around half way down the side walk and wave while still laughing.

"See ya tomorrow!"


As I walk in the front door of the hospital, my shopping bags on my arm, I take to notice I'm being stared at by doctors and nurses passing by. I didn't understand until I bump into Natalie as I enter the elevator.

"Back by curfew!" I smile at her to get her attention.

"Yes I see that!" I gain a friendly smile back from her. I watch as her blue eyes trace me down to my shopping bags. "Victorias Secret? What were you buying in there?!" She starts flipping out and that must be the explanation of the stares.

"Just bras and panties. That's all." I defensively whine.

"That better be it." She blankly says.

"Well you're not my parent so it shouldn't be any of your business anyway." I roll my eyes stepping out of the elevator as it opens to my floor.

She walks swiftly behind me and grabs my arm. "Then who is going to be? Someone has to be. Plus are you forgetting you're only 16?!" She keeps her voice down but still manages to make me feel ganged up on.

I whip my arm out of her grasp giving her a purposeful sassy look, then turn into my room shutting the door behind me. I'm greeted by Emma rubbing my legs, desperate for attention.

Back to square 1... Having that feeling of a cat being the only one there for me.


I get back to the apartment, still only having one thing on my mind. And that is the thought of Brittany. More specifically, Brittany's lips. I couldn't believe she almost kissed me, and it makes me upset that it didn't happen. But I have to keep in mind, she's worth the wait.


I'm jolted out of my thoughts by Jack's voice from sitting on the couch across from me on the lounge chair.


"I asked you if you wanted to come with me to a movie with Matt and Taylor."

"Nah man. I'm just gonna chill out here. Have fun." I begin reaching for the remote to turn on Netflix.

"Suit yourself. See ya!" And with that he shuts the door behind him.

I pick up my phone and want to do nothing but talk to Brittany. I didn't understand how I was feeling. I felt as if I could talk to her about absolutely nothing for hours.

To: Britt

Hey, did you get in okay?

From: Britt

Yeah, thanks for asking. Oh, and thank you for the date. I had fun.

To: Britt

Me too :)

***2 Hours later***

From: Britt

Hey, um, I have to go to sleep now /:

To: Britt

Okay :(

From: Britt

See you tomorrow! :-*

To: Britt

goodnight sweetheart


Jack G is one of the sweetest guys I've ever met. I never thought I'd develop any feelings for him but I just might. Or might've already beacause everytime I talk to him or see him, I want to do nothing but kiss him. Today when I teased him, I was going to kiss him for real but something inside told me to wade it out. Plus, I seriously don't know if I should give up on the possibility of Cameron and I just yet. That's where my heart really lies. But then a second later, my heart lies with Jack G. I never thought I'd have to make a decision like this. I'm starting to forget reality. I can't forget.

I am Brittany Alyssa Diamond, 16, not 18.

I have no friends.

I live in a hospital.

I have severe anorexia.

I cut.

I hate myself.

I'm ugly.

I'm worthless.

I'm a freak.

No guy will ever love me.

From: Cameron 😏

I broke up with Nicole.

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