Chapter 34- Just Hold Me

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Last night ended very badly. I didn't catch Logan so very first thing this morning, he gives the Victoria Secret audition invitation to my foster mom. So long story short, she's not letting me go and I have yet to tell Cameron. But that'll have to wait till later tonight. After school Matt and I are going to go to a movie. Not a date of course!

"Brittany! You need to get going!" I hear my foster mom yell up the stairs.


I grab my violet colored backpack and head down the stairs shutting my bedroom door behind me.

I was wearing a coral colored lace tank top and white shorts, accompanied by white vans. My black hair was put up in a half pony tail.

I race past my foster mom and make sure to avoid Logan and the other 5 kids at all costs. I was pissed at Logan, a little more at my foster mom. As soon as an opportunity that comes along that could help my future financially, they shut me down before they even give me a chance.

I always walk to school because as like the mall, I can see the school from my house. It's literally at the end of my street, across the road. Our house was conveniently placed next to all the places in LA that actually matter. Including the mall, school, and beach. If only the guy's apartment building was closer.


I sit down at my seat in my 2nd period class. I had Hayes in this class with me. Him and the rest of the Grier's moved to LA to be closer to Nash because Nash refuses to move back to South Carolina without Cameron.

"Hey!" Hayes turns back around in his seat from talking to his guy friends.

"Hi" I smile settling down in my seat.

"Listen, I was wondering if you wanted to grab a bite after school?"

"Hayes, you know I'm dating Cam."

"I know, I meant as friends."

"Well I would any other day, but today I promised Matt I'd hang out with him and then tonight I'll be at Cameron's. Maybe tomorrow though?"

"Sounds good." He smiles and the teacher starts class after the bell rings.


It was now lunch time and I've finally been able to claim a lunch table as me and Aubrey's. Everyone in the school always has that one lunch table that they sit at everyday and won't let anyone else sit there and finally that's what Aubrey and I did. I sit down with nothing but an apple and begin eating waiting for Aubrey to join me. Where ever she is...


School has ended and I haven't seen Aubrey anywhere and I'm panicking. I've texted her over 25 times throughout the day and no response.

I rush out of school out to the front of the school and see Matt standing there in shades, wearing a black t-shirt with grey skinny jeans, standing in front of his white Range Rover. (A.N.: his hair style is what it looked like in Magcon.) I walk up to him with a smile and hug him when I get to him.

"Hey, how was school?"

"Stressful." I sigh and get into his car and throw my backpack in the back seat and wait for Matt to get in the car.

He jumps into the car and starts the ignition and we begin driving off to the movie theater. "Why was it stressful?"

"I can't find Aubrey. She wasn't at school today and she isn't answering any of my calls or texts and the last time I seen her, she told me she ran away from home and is living under the pier at the beach." I talk so fast I barely had time to take a breath.

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