Chapter 46- Returning Feelings

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I wake up to feel a body laying up against me in my bed. I open my eyes and see shirtless Jack G. Why you may ask? Why do you think? We fucked last night because I was so upset and needed some comfort. It wasn't a smart idea at all but I haven't felt that good in so long.

"Good morning" He opens his eyes and says in his sexy morning voice.

I try to smile as hard as I can but it wasn't that real. "Morning."

He wraps his muscular arm around me and pulls me closer to him and kisses my lips sending shivers throughout my body that I didn't understand.

I don't even know how this happened and why I loved it. All I know is that I'm beginning to fall in love again with him. These so called "feelings" might even just be something, that I think are true feelings when all they really are, are the feelings of being wanted.


I hear a knock on my door and get up from crying into my pillow some more. It was now midnight and everyone was asleep. Or so I thought.

I open the door to see Jack Gilinsky standing there in a grey muscle shirt and boxers.

"Hey I heard you were still crying and just wanted to apologize for talking so rude to you earlier." He says as he leans against the door frame.

"It's okay. I deserved it." I sniffed and wiped my final tears away.

He opens his arms for a hug and I obviously return it without any hesitation. His warm, muscular, arms wrapped around me. Him towering over me like he could just break me because of how short I was, reminded me so much of Cameron. Before you know it, I'm caught up in the moment and pull him into my hotel room and kiss him with as much passion to make sure he doesn't leave. His hands cup my face and pulls me closer.

His foot slams the door shut behind him and picks me up and sits us down on the bed. I straddle him, feeling his boner under me, and continue to receive kisses down my neck and collar bone. He finds my sweet spot pretty quickly as like he remembered where it was.

"Wait, I can't do this..." He whispers and pushes me away a little.


"Because I can't do this to Cameron."



I ignore his words and attack his neck and palm his bulge with my other hand.

"But I want you daddy." I whisper seductively in his ear.

A moan escapes his lips and then a high-pitched, quiet gasp as I kiss his neck. I had him right where I wanted him.


"Do you regret it?" I ask him as I bury my head into his bare chest.

"Only for Cameron's sake. But otherwise, last night brought back feelings I thought were gone."

"For me?"

He nods his head and I take a deep breath trying to clear my head to remember what it was like to be in love with Cameron. But I couldn't remember. The only thought in my mind is how much I missed Jack.


To: Sammy

What do you mean you heard noises?!!!

From: Sammy

I'm sorry man but I'm pretty sure I heard Brittany and Jack gettin' it on last night. 😕

I couldn't reply after that. I needed to get to Florida for the concert tonight. I needed her back. As for Gilinsky, I'm not mad at him. I don't know why I'm not, but I'm just not.


I got on a plane 7 hours ago and i was now in Florida. The concert began in 2 hours and I was nervous as hell. I didn't know what my presence would even affect but I felt as if I were to be there, and if she were to see my face again, we'd be together again. At least that's what I wanted to happen.


As I sit at the make up vanity behind stage, I do my make up the best I could. Someone offered to do it for me but I refused. I did my make up and someone straightened my hair at the same time. I was the first act of the show. Then it was Shawn, then the girl from Disney Channel, whoever she is, then Jacob, then the Jack's finish the show. I've never been so nervous in my life. The concert was outside in a football stadium and it was almost completely packed with people.

"You ready?" I hear Jack G come up behind me, wrapping his arms around me from behind.

I look at him behind me from the mirror and smile at the way we look together. I'm going to admit we looked perfect.

"What are we Jack?"

"What do you want to be?" He smirks at me in the mirror and I giggle.

"I don't know what to say!" I laugh.

"Well how about be my girlfriend again?"

I turn my head and look at him and he meets me with a kiss and then when we release, we can't help but smile.

"Brittany..." I hear a whimper and turn around to see the hurt and pain in his beautiful eyes and I vowed to never hurt him again.


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