Chapter 48- One More Week

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Brittany and I have been back together officially now for a week and I'm just now walking back in the door of my house and am about to make Madison leave. The wedding was supposed to be in a week from now but obviously, that's not happening anymore.

I open the door and immediately am taken in a hug.

"Madison get off." I frustratedly sigh.

She releases me and stands there looking at me confused.

"What's wrong? Moody because you haven't had me to give you a relaxing, pleasurable time." She smirks at me and runs her hands down my chest, I stop her when she gets lower, by throwing her hands off me and back to her sides.

"Madison, the wedding is off. Pack up your stuff and get out."

"Excuse me?! Are you high or something?!!"

"You heard me and no! I've just come to my senses." I realise I was now raising my voice and I didn't care.

"I'm not leaving." She laughs in my face making me angrier and sits on the couch like nothing was wrong.

"Madison, I will call the police to make you get out if you don't do it on your own."

She huffs snootily off the couch and grabs her suitcase and takes it upstairs to hopefully go pack her slutty clothes away. I plop down on my couch stressed out until I get a phone call from Brittany. I answer with an attempted smile on my face, as if she could see my smile.

"Hi baby."

"Hey, I was just calling to see if you got home safe."

"Yeah, just came home and told Madison to pack her bags too." I chuckle and could feel her grin on the other line.

"Good. Hey, um they're cutting the tour short for me so my last show is next week in LA so I guess that's pretty convenient." She says putting a real smile on my face.

"Why just for you?"

"I asked them to."

"Why? Didn't you want to tour, like your whole life?"

"Of course I did, I just rather be with you."

"Aw babe. I love you."

"I love you too. I'll facetime you tomorrow."

"Okay princess."


"Talk to you later baby."


After I hang up the phone with Cam I was nothing but smiles. I couldn't wait to get back to LA and just have him hold me in his arms. I wish I could spend every second of every day doing that and kissing him. I was worried about him keeping his promise about getting rid of hoe bag Madison but now I believe him. There's few people that I can say that I truly hate, but Madison is definetly one of them. It makes me sick to my stomach thinking Cameron was with her for the time being. What was he thinking?! He could've gotten a STD pretty quickly with that tramp. Haha.


I wake up to feel someone shaking me. When I open my eyes, I see Jack G with a plate of food? I sit up in the bed and smell the food. It usually makes me queezy just smelling food, but it was different now. I was really trying hard to fight this anorexia. How did I do it? I don't look in the mirror. I don't unless I'm doing my make up and that's about it.

"Thank you." I smile as he hands me the plate and sits on the edge of the bed.

"You're welcome. I got the things that would be the most healthy for you."

The plate had an apple, a slice of toast with little butter on it and a half a piece of cooked ham. It smelled actually delicious.

"Why are you so nice to me even after what I did?" I say before biting into my toast.

"Because I can never stay mad at you. You're too good of a person for that."

I grin at him and he almost blushes.

"What?!" He chuckles and I roll my eyes. "Just shut up and eat."

I giggle and take another bite of food. "What does it look like I'm doing?


Madison finally left about 10 minutes ago, after I got off the phone with Britt. She said nothing and just left and I thought she would put up more than a fight than that. She probably just figures she can go live with any other guy who wants easy sex. I know I talk about her like I didn't fall into her trap either, but I'm a guy, it's something that I can't refuse that easily, plus I was hurting at the time. I'm just glad I have the girl who really matters back in my life.

As I smile to myself thinking about Brittany more, I walk to the kitchen and try to search for something to make because I was starving. When I continue to search and search I realise I haven't shopped for food in months. I've been eating out or not eating at all the past couple months because Madison insisted we always did things her way.

I go upstairs quickly and get changed then head out to the store. When I arrive at the store, I run into Aubrey and Carter by surprise!

"Hey Cam!" Aubrey says giving me a hug.

"Hey lovebirds, how's being married treating ya?!"

"Amazing! Every night we have had to ourselfs and it's amazing." Carter answers and I was honestly surprised on how enthusiastic he was being. Carter never seemed like the marriage type of guy.


"How are you?" Aubrey says in a lower tone of voice and apparently she hasn't heard the news.

"I'm doing awesome!"

"Really?! How? It's Madison..." Carter says in a grossed out voice and I don't blame him.

"No, I'm back with Brittany!"

"WHAT?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! WHERE IS SHE!? HOW'D YOU FIND HER?!!!!" Aubrey jumps up and down in excitement making me laugh.

"She's on tour with the Jacks, Shawn, and Jacob and Jack called me and told me she was there so I went to go set things right and we're back together! She's coming back to LA next week."

"Oh my gosh that's amazing news!

"Happy for ya man." Carter bro hugs me.

"So what about the skank?" Aubrey snickers crossing her arms.

"Kicked her out so she could live with who the hell knows."

"She's 16, does she know what parents are?" She continues.

"Well Brittany is 17..." Carter fires back and chuckles.

"So? She's Cam's bae." Aubrey says and I just about, blush.

"You going over to Nash's later?" Carter asks me.

"Nah, I'm gonna FaceTime with Britt tonight."

"Aw! FaceTime date!"

"Or FaceTime sex." Carter furrows his eyebrows at me and Aubrey and I both give him a strange look.

"What? You never done it?"

I laugh and we all say goodbye and head different ways. For me, it was to the checkout. Once I finished checking out I got back in my truck and headed home.


So like this was such a boring chapter. Sorry /: next chapter will be better.

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