Chapter 14- In My Arms

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Where are you guys from? I'm from Pennsylvania. 😊 (read the picture before you start reading. It relates to this chapter)



Cameron stops the car and I sit up in the back seat and get out. He hasn't said a word to me the whole ride. I didn't know if he was mad or is just something that Cameron does and doesn't mean anything by it. I doubt that one though.

I follow Cameron up to the door of his apartment building. It wasn't one of those apartments that were all worn down and considered the low class, it looked very professional and classy rather.

"Are you coming?" Cameron breaks my daze at the building and see him holding the door open for me.

I step in and he follows behind me, quickly regaining the lead. We got to the elevator and he presses the button for the 21st floor.

"Are you all right, Cameron?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. You have nothing to worry about." His voice was calm but had no expression to it so I still was clueless.

"Are you sure?"

"Why? Did you do something wrong you want to tell me about?"


"Then calm down. I just want to talk."

The doors open and we step out, this time, Cameron grabbing my hand but this time, I felt nothing when he touched me. It honestly shocked me.

As we walk hand in hand, I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I pull out and see 10 missed calls from the hospital and one text message from Natalie from her personal cell phone.

From: Natalie 🏥

Where the hell are you missy?!

To: Natalie 🏥

Please don't be mad but I can't tell you. I'll be back tomorrow morning unharmed. Please understand.

From: Natalie 🏥

This time you're not getting off the hook, but just be safe and be SMART. ;)

I think she's guessing I'm with Cameron and I'm positive there's nothing to be smart about tonight. Again... he has a girlfriend and I'm pretty sure he's pissed at me for a still unknown reason.

We finally stop in front of a door with the number 716 on it. Cameron let's go of my hand and types in a pin into the door that unlocks it, instead of a key. See what I mean? Fancy.

The door opens and Cameron guides me inside and walks swiftly into the kitchen once he shuts the door behind me.

This was the most gorgeous apartment I've ever seen. The walls were white on some, a greyish- shiny on the others and one big wall in the living room area that's covered by stones. The huge flatscreen tv was hung on that wall with the grey, soft couches huddled around the area with a coffee table in between them. The windows stretched from the white, soft carpet all the way up to the second floor which was actually a floor split in half. The second floor was a loft kind of idea that overlooked the rest of the house. The modern kitchen was under the whole second floor loft thing which must be Cam's bedroom.

It may be too much to understand, but you should be able to get my gist.

"Want anything to drink?" Cameron yells from the kitchen as I take in the overwhelming apartment of his.

"Water would be great. Thanks."

"I'm ordering a pizza, anything special you want on it?"

"I'm not hungry." I instinctively come out with.

"Brittany... You didn't eat all damn day." He looks at me in disbelief.

"I ate breakfast." I lie

"So? How could you skip all meals after that?"

"I just can." I shrug my shoulders and actually wonder, how do I do that?

"Whatever. Pepperoni it is." He sighs and starts dialing on his phone as I sit down on one of his 3 couches.

I lay back and feel like I'm laying on a cloud. It was heavenly. After he hangs up his phone, he walks over to me watching the floor, trying not to make eye contact with me until he reaches the couch. He sits on the couch diagonal from me and leans into his lap, directing his attention to me.

"So what was that on the beach?"

"I really don't want to talk about it Cameron."

"Well, it scared me to death and it was the most random thing ever. If you don't tell me I can't hang out with you anymore." He sighs and the whole sentence kills me inside to think about him not being there for me when I just met him yesterday. Let alone, given the opportunity of a life time.


"Because I need to know so I know how to prevent it from happening again when we're hanging out."

"Fine..." I take a deep breath and have to give my last shot at keeping my secret from him. "...I was just really dehydrated and probably low blood sugar."

"See, you did need to eat today. That's why you're gonna eat some pizza when it gets here." He was talking sternly so I didn't want to argue even though I will refuse to eat it when it gets here.

Pizza was one of the worst foods to make me eat. It's so greasy and filled with calories no matter how good it may taste. I rather keep my figure than have a good taste in my mouth for a couple seconds.

I begin to relax into the couch when I see Cam relax his posture to much less tense.

"So how much trouble do you think you're gonna get in tomorrow morning?" He tried to laugh and lighten the mood.

" have no idea." I laugh with him.

I come into a daze as I look at him reach for the TV remote on the coffee table in front of us. My favorite show, Twisted comes on and he leaves it on. It was a repeat but I didn't mind. I loved looking at Avan Jogia!

My eyes trace Cameron's adorable, smiling face as he faintly laughs at a joke that the TV show made. I couldn't help but smile at his joy. He was so beautiful and perfect. It was like I was staring at an angel. I just wanted to touch him and just be held by him.

That gives me the idea to stand up and walk over to the couch he was snuggled on and sit down next to him. Pretty close too. He looks at me with a confused look but wraps his arms around my waist to pull me closer to him.

It was awkward at first, but once he had me where he wanted me, it was all calm and amazing. As we continued to watch the TV and cuddle, my mind was thinking about nothing else but what it would be like to be with Cam. I want to be his so bad but I will never come in between someone who makes him as happy as Nicole does.


I wish Nicole and I still cuddled. She's always too busy. Cuddling Brittany is different though. It feels safe and comforting when I hold her small, petite figure in my arms, pulled as close to my chest as possible. I never wanted to move from this spot but I need to remember, I have Nicole.

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