Chapter 4- Staples

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I take a quick second to rip my sight away from the bright lap top screen to take a glance at my phone next to me. It was now 3 am. I've been on my laptop the past 2 and a half hours now browsing YouTube, watching Cam's videos and the other guy's. I've seen them all before, I just like to see them again and again when I feel like I need a smile. I was now watching the hotel smack cam video with all of the guys. It was probably my favorite video that was ever posted from any of them. It made me laugh ridiculously hard and makes me envy the friendship and bond they all have with each other. They acted like they were family and I envied that part as well. To this day, I still can't comprehend the reality of what I'm going through. Anorexic, depressed, no family, no friends, no boyfriend, not lived by anyone except a cat. They want me to get better do they? Well how about release me to start truly living life?! I need to get out of here so badly. I hate my life and I wish I could just stop breathing already.

I go onto Google and search, 'how to seem like you're gaining weight.' For the hundredth tins nod just to see if there were any new ideas posted.

I click on the first search result that pops up, labeled, 'Salt and Ice diet'. I never heard of it before.

I read out loud, "I heard on this TV show that the Salt and Ice diet works. What you do is you put a whole lot of ice and salt in a water bottle, shake it up to spread the salt, and suck on the ice as your food for 3 days. It kills your salty cravings and makes you lose a couple pounds. I lost 6 pounds and I don't crave pretzels, soda, or chips anymore."

Someone wrote that based off experience so it must work and must be my key on getting the hell out of here.

I shut my lap top slowly without thinking about checking the possible negative side effects of doing this diet. I scoot it off my lap quietly, trying not to disturb Emma who's sleeping on the cushion next to me, and I sneak out of my room. The hall was quiet, cold, and empty. If it weren't for the little heart monitor beeps coming from some rooms, I would feel as if this was a haunted, abandoned, hospital like the TV shows I watch. I sneak down the hallway, keeping my guard up, until I reach my destination. The nurse's lounge. It was thankfully empty... And of course, locked.

"Damn it." I whisper frustratedly to myself.

I quickly think as hard as I can and think of only one possible solution. I quickly act and hurry down the hallway a little further to the main desk that's only used when there's a lot of patients to check in. Which this week wasn't one of those weeks. Thankfully. I crouch down and scatter through each drawer until I come to one drawer that was full of spare keys to rooms all on this floor and conveniently, one key labeled 'lounge'. At this point it was seeming as this was too easy.

I grab the key and hurry back to the door. As I hastily struggle to fit the key into the key hole correctly, I begin to hear talking getting closer and closer. I drop what I'm doing, put the key in my pocket and rush back over to the desk and duck under it. The voices become closer and closer, so close that they are now next to me. As I peek around the small desk corner, I see two pairs of feet. Then two voices join the limbs. A woman and and a man's voice. The woman was recognizable, Natalie? I thought she left hours ago. I eavesdrop on the conversation, while trying to contain my breathing to be as silent as possible. All until I hear my name.

"So how's Brittany's progress?" The man's voice asks.

"Ugh. Don't even get me started on that girl." Natalie responds.

"What? Is she getting worse?"

"She's the same. Not gaining any weight, and thankfully not losing any." Natalie sighs.

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