Chapter 25

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Tonys P.O.V.:

Next morning I woke up on my couch with Ziva in my arms. She looked so peaceful and beautiful. I just wanted to kiss her but I don’t think that she loves me back. So I stayed like that for some minutes then I kissed her cheek and got up. “Goodmorning.” I heard Ziva saying. “Goodmorning” I said. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. As the hot water was running down my body I thought to do up my bedroom. It has been the same since I bought it. Maybe Ziva could help me. So I got out of the bathroom, got dressed and went to the kitchen. I saw Ziva was cooking breakfast so I went behind her and wrapped my arms around her. “What are you cooking?” I nuzzled my nose to her hair. “Bacon and eggs.” she said. After we ate I told her about my idea. She told me that she wanted to help me with it and I was happy. We got ready and went to the paint store. “So what color do you think I should pick?” I asked her. “How about navy blue?” she said. I really wanted her opinion for my room because I wish one day to be ours. So I went to the assistant and she gave me the paint with a piece of paper that had a phone number and the name ‘Lucy’. When me and Ziva got back to the house, she grabbed the piece of paper off my hands and read it. “Hmm… Who is Lucy?” she asked. “The woman from the paint store.” I said. “Did she look attractive?”. “Not to me.” I said. “That sounds like you have a crush.”. “Maybe.”. “Is she the girl you told me yesterday?” she asked. “Yes.” I said. “Please tell me who she is.” she begged me. “Not now.” I said. “Ugh ok.” she said and walked away. “So do want to eat something first and then start painting?” I asked her. “I am not hungry.” she said. “Ok then let’s start.” I said. “Don’t you think we should change clothes first?” she asked me. “You are right.” I walked into my bedroom and got changed. Then Ziva came in wearing a black top and some short shorts. “Aren’t you going to get cold Ziva?” I tried to hide my drool. “No, I don’t think so.” she said. “So I’ll paint these two walls and you will paint these two.” I said to her. “Ok let’s start.” she said. After a half hour I fell on my bed. “Got tired Tony?” Ziva asked me. “No just bored.” I said. Then she took her phone and put some music. “It is more fun when you hear to music and dance.” she said. Actually it was fun. When we were done I looked at the time. It was 9:00. Wow it seemed to me like only an hour. Well I think that time passes fast with Ziva. “Done” we both said at the same time. “You know that we both have another wall to paint right?” she said. “Let’s do that tomorrow. Now I am going to cook us something.” I said. “I’ll go sit on the couch.” she said.

 When I walked into the living room I saw Ziva laying on the couch asleep. I took a blanket and covered her. I took a blanket for my self and slept on the floor.

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