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*a month later*

Zivas P.O.V.:

I still can’t believe they saved me, he saved me. He also said he couldn’t leave without me and he couldn’t lie. It has been a month since we came back but I haven’t talked to anyone since then. I don’t know what to tell them, how to thank them. I am going to talk to them today. I want to apologize to them and thank them for what they did for me. I also want my old life back. My job and my family. I took a shower and went on the N.C.I.S. building. I went to the squad room and sat on my old chair. I have missed that. Then  I heard the elevator ‘ding’ and saw Mcgee, Tony and Gibbs coming out. I stood up and they were all staring me with surprise. My heart was beating like crazy that could easily explode. “Hello Gibbs, hello Mcgee, hello Tony. Gibbs I also need to talk to you.” I said with a tone in my voice that was saying ‘please forgive me for everything. I know it is not easy to but I am really sorry.’. Then I saw Gibbs going to the elevator so I followed him.

We stepped into the elevator and Gibbs turned it off. “Start.” he said. “Look Gibbs I want to say… thank you for saving my life, for respecting my choice to stay in Israel and for being the father I never had. The father who takes care of me and helps me. I am so sorry for everything I have done all these years and was bad for you.” I said and a single tear fell down my cheek. “I am so sorry for being a complete idiot.” I finished. “Ziver you don’t have to thank me or apologize to me. You are a person and people make mistakes. You are like a daughter to me and nothing is going to change that. I would do anything for you. But you need to talk to Tony. He is very depressed since we came back. All these months he was really worried about you.” he said. “Ok I will.” I said and left the elevator. Before I could speak to Tony and Mcgee, Mcgee told me to go and see Abby because she wants to talk to me.

I went down at Abbys lab and she started to yell at me if I as stupid because Tony risked his life for me and the only thing I did was accusing him for killing Michael. But she soon understood that it wasn’t my fault and it was a misunderstanding. Then she gave me a bone crush hug and told me that she was happy that I was back. After we talked for a while I knew what I had to do next. I have to talk to Tony. I went to the bullpen and I saw him going to the men’s bathroom. This is my chance, I thought.

Tonys P.O.V.:

My day until now was… weird but good weird. Ziva is back, safe and she might wants to come back to the team. But this will have a small problem because I have a crash on her but 2 things keep me away from telling her. One, rule number 12, never date a co-worker and two she would never fall in love with me. I have that feeling that someone else is also in here. Of course… it is Ziva. She came closer to me so we were face to face and I couldn’t stop looking at her. She is beautiful, smart, sexy, dangerous and if I start describing her it would take over 1.000 years because there are so many adjectives for her. “You know that you are in the men’s bathroom right?” I smiled. “Yes but the things I have to say can’t wait. I want to say sorry for believing my father and Michael, for accusing you that you killed him even if I saw you on my floor, hurt with him dead next to you and all the other things. I also want to say thank you for saving my life, having my back.” she said and I heard every word that was coming out of her. “I always have your back Ziva and I don’t care if you accused me.” I said. Then she came closer to me and gave a kiss on the cheek which felt like heaven. She walked out and I did the same.

Zivas P.O.V.:

I was so happy. I went at the director and asked him if I could go back to the team and he said that Gibbs has to decide that. I thanked him and went at Gibbs house.

It’s 9:00 o’ clock in the night and I am outside Gibbs door. I opened his door and went at his basement. “What brings you here Ziver?” he asked me. “I wanted to talk to you.” I said. “You want to come back to the team right?” he asked. “Yes” I said. “Are you sure you are ready to?” he asked me. “Yes I am. All these past months made me think a lot of things” I said. “Ok then, see you tomorrow.” he said. “Thanks Gibbs, again.” I said. I went back to my house and went to sleep which is impossible because of these terrible nightmares.

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