Chapter 45

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1 month later

Zivas P.O.V.:

I woke up by someone kissing me. I realized it was Tony and I kissed him back. "Good morning." I said. "It is" he smiled. I tried to get up but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to bed. I giggled and kissed him. "Come on Tony we have to get up." I said. "Some more minutes." he said and rolled on top of me. We made out for some minutes and the Tony got off me. I got up and went to get a shower. After I was done I wore some clothes, dried my hair, wore the tiniest amount of make-up and went to Talis room. I stood next to her crib and woke her up. "...Ima?" Tali said and rubbed her eyes. "Good morning sweetie. Come on let's get ready. You will come with us today in our work." I said to her. She got up and I got her ready. After the 3 of us were ready we went to N.C.I.S. and I headed to Abby's lab with Tali. I covered Talis ears and screamed to Abby because her music was loud as always. When she finally noticed us she turned it off. "Ziva hi! Good morning Tali!" Abby said. "Abby..." Tali screamed in excitement. "Hi Abby. I passed by to let you Tali because we already have a case. Is that a problem?" I asked her. "No not at all." she said and I gave her Tali with her things. "Bye Abby, bye Tali." I said. I kissed Talis forehead and went to the squad room. When the elevator doors opened, Mcgee, Gibbs and Tony came into the elevator before I could get out. Tony gave me my gear and I smiled at him. When we went to the crime scene, me and Mcgee started interviewing. "Ziva can I ask you something?" Mcgee asked me. "Sure. What is it Mcgee?" I replied. "I am thinking to ask Abby to marry me but I don't know. What do you think?" he said. (I forgot to say that Gibbs had no problem with Mcgee and Abby dating). "I think it is an amazing idea Mcgee. I am sure 100% that she will say yes. We could also do our weddings together." I said. "Thanks Ziva" he said. We had finished our work earlier so we left earlier. I took Tali from Abby and went back home with her and Tony. When we got to the house Tali was asleep so I took her in her crib. I went to my bedroom and saw Tony fast asleep. I smiled at the picture in front of me, sat on our bed and read some of my book. Some minutes later Tomy woke up and smiled softly at me. He sat up and placed my head in his lap. "What are you doing?" Tony asked me with a playful tone. "As you can see I am reading a book." I said, trying to concentrate on my book. He placed his hand on the book trying to grab it. "If you want that hand I suggest you to take it away." I warned him. "Can we go to the beach later?" Tony took his hand off the book. "What about Tali?" I asked. "We can ask Gibbs to babysit her. Come on, please?" he begged me. "Okay,just let me finish this chapter." I said. Some minutes later I let my book on the table and went in Tali's room. She was awake, playing with her puppy toy. I picked her up, changed her and fed her. I let her play with her toys back in her crib and prepared her bag and myself. I wore my black bikini under a red summer dress, took Tali's bag and went in the living room where Tony was with Tali. "Ready, beautiful?" Tony asked me. "Yes, now let's go.". We got into the car and headed to Gibbs' house. We let Tali and went to the beach.

Tony's P.O.V.:
"Ziva are you going to come in the sea? The water is really good." I yelled at her so she could hear me. "Not now. I want to get a tan first." she replied. Just looking at her made me want to kiss every inch of her. I am so lucky to be her fiance. I walked to her and picked her up. "Tony what are you doing?" she giggled. "I just want to show you how amazing the water is." I gave her a devilish smile. "Tony you wouldn't do that!" she said. "Give me a reason not to." I said. Then she gave me a passionate kiss. "Did I give you a reason?" she purred in my ear. "Yes and a good one but..." I threw her in the water. Ziva got her head out of the water and as I looked into her eyes they were full of revenge. I got a bit scared but it didn't stop me from going behind her and wrapping my arms around her waist. "You know I'll get revenge right?" she said as I started kissing her neck and shoulder. "'" I said between kisses. She gave me a kiss and we headed to pick up Tali. Then we headed back home. Me and Ziva took a shower and laid in bed with Tali between us. We played with her until we fall asleep.

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