Chapter 41

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So guys I was thinking to write a book of Tiva short stories after I have finished that one. I have already wrote some in my notebook but I run out of ideas so if someone could help me I will be grateful.

Zivas P.O.V:

Today I woke up and got ready for work. (I refused to stay at home.). When I sat on my desk, Tony was there 'working'. "Hey honey" he said. "Hey". We already had a case so I started searching. Three hours later the guys came in from an investigation. "We are back..." Tony said happily. "I can see that Tony. I am pregnant, not blind." I snapped at him.

Tonys P.O.V.:

Ziva was pissed off today, probably from the pregnancy. When she snapped at me, Mcgee gave me a look 'what is wrong?'. I told him about the mood swings but not too loud so Ziva would hear it. He nodded and we kept working. An hour passed and Gibbs came in. We gave him our report and he left while I was talking for a movie. "So seriously you haven't seen that movie? It is unbelievable. It has mystery, action, pretty ladies..." I was saying but Ziva interrupted me. "If you say one more word, I swear our child won't have a father." "Come on Ziva, don't be mean. I know you say that because of the pregnancy." I said. "Oh so you have been pregnant too? You had an everyday morning sickness, you were very sensitive and you looked like a whale?" she said. "Ziva, geez calm down." I said. I know that she doesn't want to act like that but this is too much. "You know what I am leaving..." she yelled and left. I tried to catch her but the elevator doors closed. When the doors opened again I saw Gibbs. "Boss have you seen Ziva? She left and I don't know where she went." I said. "No I haven't seen her but you better hurry. A pregnant Ziva is dangerous." he said and I left. I went to our apartment but no one was there so I went to Abbys lab. She wasn't there either so I went back to the bullpen and thought where she could be.

Zivas P.O.V.:

God Tony is really irritating! I went to Abbys lab and she told me that I could stay in her lab with her. I went home and packed some things. I was so angry that I threw a vase and accidentally cut my wrist. I got back to Abbys lab and she told me that Tony has been looking for me. Then she noticed my bleeding wrist. "Ziva what happened to your wrist?" she asked me. "Oh it is nothing I just threw a vase back at home and I accidentally cut my wrist." I said. "Here let me bandage it." she bandaged my wrist. "Thanks Abby. So where can I sleep because the doctor said I should rest." I said. "Well you can sleep in there. There is a couch but it is really comfortable." she said. I laid on Abbys couch with a blanket on me and fall asleep.

Abbys P.O.V.:

I was ready to fell asleep when I heard Ziva screaming. I went next to her and realized that she was having a nightmare. I woke her up and calmed her down. "Ziva what was the nightmare about?" I asked her. "That I born the child but nobody liked me because I was too fat and that my child came one day and told me that I am the worst mother and that she wished I had never born her." she cried. "It is ok Ziva. You will be an amazing mother. And you won't be fat. Even now you look thin." I said to her. "Thanks Abby. You always know what to say." she said to me. "Now you need to go sleep." "Ok". I went back and slept.

Zivas P.O.V.:

After Abby went to sleep I started rubbing my baby bump. "Hi tataleh! I am your mother. I want to say to you that I love you and that I'll do my best to raise you like a princess. I'll do anything for you. Good night now. You should be very tired. I love you and you should never forget that. Even if you were unexpected I still love you and I can't think of anything better that could have happened in my life." I said and felt a small kick. I smiled and fell back to sleep.

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