Chapter 18

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Tonys P.O.V.:

I have been waiting here for almost 5 hours. The others have left an hour ago. Suddenly a doctor came. “Are you here for Miss David?” he asked. “Yes. Is she ok? Can I see her?” I asked. “Well I have to say that Miss David is a fighter. She had lost a lot of blood and we almost lost her but now she is no longer in danger. She just needs a lot of rest and she will be fine. Right now she is sleeping but you can go see her.” he said and left. I went into her room and saw her lying on the bed. I couldn’t believe to my eyes. She still looked pale and peaceful. She was like an angel. I also couldn’t believe that this bastard C.I.Ray didn’t even call to see if she was ok. I sat next to her bed and I soon fell asleep just looking at her beautiful face.

Zivas P.O.V.:

*Next day*

I just woke up in a hospital bed. Wait what? Then I saw Tony sitting to a chair right next to me, asleep. I smiled. He looked so cute. I ran my fingers through his hair and he woke up. “Ziva you are awake.” he hugged me. “Sorry if I woke you up.” I said. “Don’t be, I wanted to see you awake. How do you feel? Want me to call the others?” he said full of enthusiasm. “Easy… I just woke up. I feel ok and yes call the others.” I said. After 20 minutes Gibbs, Abby and Mcgee came in. (I always think that Mcgee and Abby will be a great couple.) They all told me that they send them to hell because they thought that I was going to die. I answered that I was to going to die that easy and they all laughed. An hour later they all left and Tony went to buy coffee. I opened my phone and saw a text message from Ray. ‘Sorry I didn’t come to the date. Work. I’ll make it up to you, promise.’ that’s all it was saying. He didn’t even know that I was kidnapped. You know what? Better. I don’t want people to think I am weak. Tony came in and sat next to me. We were staring at each other for… I don’t even know for how long. “Ziva I think you should get some rest. I’ll go to my house and change clothes maybe take a shower. I’ll be back in an hour.” Tony said. “Ok see you later.” I said. He kissed my forehead and left. I soon fell into a deep sleep.

Tonys P.O.V.:

I just came back from my house and when I went to Zivas room, she was asleep. Even in her sleep she was beautiful. Ray hasn’t showed up yet. Ziva disserves more than that. Not that I could give her EVERYTHING she disserves but I would try my best because I really love her. She has been through a lot. The last thing she needs is a boyfriend that doesn’t care.

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