Chapter 42

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Zivas P.O.V.:

I woke up and got up. I saw Gibbs talking with Abby. "Good morning Gibbs, good morning Abby." I said as I walked in. "Good morning to you too Ziver. How did you sleep?" Gibbs asked me. "Fine, I think.". "So will you come to the squad room today?" he asked me. "Yes, I feel much better than yesterday and I think I have to apologize to Tony." I said. "Ok then let's go." he said. "Goodbye Abby" "Goodbye Ziva.". When we got to the squad room I saw Mcgee and Tony sitting on their desks. I sat at my desk but they didn't notice me.  I think that Tony is sleeping btw. "Gibbs I'll go take a tea and I'll be right back. Do you guys want me to buy you some coffee?" I asked. "No thanks Ziver." Gibbs said. "If you could I would like a cup a cup of coffee."Mcgee said. "Ok see you later." I said. I was really happy and relaxed today. When I walked back, the guys were gone. I left Mcgees' coffee on his desk and sat at my chair. I drank my tea when I left and ran to the bathroom. I threw up and went back. The guys were back. "Ziva you are back!!! I was so worried about you. I stayed here all night and tried to find you." Tony said and hugged me.  "Can I talk to you in the elevator?" I asked him. "Ok" he said. We walked into the elevator and half way of the ride I shut it down. "Look Tony I got angry at you yesterday but I didn't want to. It is just the hormones and the fact that I am double! I just hate that!" I said. "Ziva I understand that you have hormones, mood swings etc. from the pregnancy and I know I shouldn't have pissed you off. And you are thinner that you should be so after you give birth you will look as beautiful as you are every day. "OK now you just made me tear up." I said. A tear rolled off my cheek and tony wiped it away. "I love you" he said. "I love you too" I said and we kissed. We made out for some minutes and then walked back to the bullpen. We sat on our desks and worked. "Where is Mcgee and Gibbs?" I asked. "They went to find a suspect in Quantico. They will be a bit late." he said. "Oh and may I ask why there is a broken vase with blood in our apartment?" he asked some minutes later. "Oh when I went to the house I was angry and threw it to the floor. I accidentally cut my wrist but it is fine now." I said. "Oh ok.". Some minutes later I felt tired so I laid behind my desk. "What are you doing there sweet cheeks?" Tony asked and kneed next to me. "I got a bit tired and the doctor said that I should rest." I said. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and left.

When I woke up, I sat on my chair where found a bottle with tea and a note. "Hope you feel better, love you." the note was saying. "Glad you joined us Ziva." Gibbs said. Two hours later we all went to our houses. "Tony what can we eat?" I asked him. "Do you want to order some pizza?" he asked me. "Sure" I said. I changed in some comfortable clothes and started cleaning the broken vase. "Let me do that." Tony said. "Tony I think I can clean a broken vase." I said. Ten minutes later the pizza arrived, we sat on our bed and started eating it. "Tony can we please go shopping tomorrow?" I asked him with puppy eyes. "Only if you watch something with me." he said. "What?" I asked. "You will see..." he said and came back with his laptop. I was trying to understand what he had put but I soon realized that it was the concert. I was surprised that he had a video of it. I smiled at him after we watched it. After we were done eating, Tony washed the dishes. I took a shower and laid on the bed. I was reading my book and Tony was behind me, with his arms around my waist, kissing my neck. "Tony can you stop that? You are tickling me and I can't read." I giggled. "I know that but I love hearing that giggle of yours." he said. "Yeah but I can't read." I said. Then he took the book off my hands and threw it down. "Why did you do that?" I laughed. "Because now I have your attention." he said. "You always have my attention." I kissed him. He kissed me back and we made out for 10 minutes and pulled away. "Ziva David I love you to the moon and back." he said. "I love you too." I said and we fell asleep.

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