Chapter 15

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6 months later

Zivas P.O.V.:

Great! Just great! I didn’t sleep last night and today when I got to work we already had a case. I just wish that my day will get better. The case was about a dead marine whose wife is in danger and… she is in Paris right now. “Gibbs the wife is in Paris.” I said. “Then go get her. Take Dinozzo with you.” he said. Me and tony went to the elevator and I saw Tony smirking at me. I went back home and packed. I had a text message from Tony:

T: Did you know that Paris is also the city of love? You know what they say… Paris est la ville de l’ amour ;) ;) ;)

Z: Yes, I did. Have something on your mind? ;)

T: Maybe. You’ll see ;) ;) ;)

I just smiled because I knew that his mind wasn’t innocent right now.

Next day I woke up, I took a shower, I ate breakfast, I got dressed and went to the airport. When I got there I saw tony waiting for me. “Hey sweet cheeks ready to go?” he asked me and I nodded. The travel was quiet. I was listening to my music and I felt that someone was staring at me quite long. I soon understood it was Tony. I just acted like I didn’t notice it. I was sure that rule number 12 was going to break. After we got to the hotel, we realized that there was only one bed. Well you can imagine the next.

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