Chapter 20

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Zivas P.O.V.:

*2 weeks later*

It is 5 o’ clock in the morning. Great. These nightmares are killing me. Now there are even scarier. After Somalia and now after this. I got off my bed, took a shower, made some coffee and went jogging. I came back an hour later and went to work. When I opened my computer I saw an e-mail from Mary. ‘I might pass later see ya’ the email was saying. Then I heard the elevator ding and the guys came in. “Good morning guys.” I said. “Good morning Ziva” they said. “Ziva why are you so happy?” Tony asked me. “Mary will pass by later and I have to see her for a while.” I said. Gibbs came in and told us to gear up. God I have missed that. Even if it was only four weeks. We went to the crime scene, did the usual and went back to the squad room.

Some hours later Mary came in. “Hey!” she said. “Hi. So how was L.A.?” I asked. “Well I live there but it is fine.” she said. We talked for a while until Tony came in. “Hey girls. Mary, it has been a long time since I saw you. How are you?” Tony asked her. “Yeah I know. I had a lot of work to do because I am staring to a movie. It is really fun but also very tiring. I’ll go see Abby now bye…” she said and left for Abbys lab like the wind. Then Mcgee came in. “Who was the girl that was running? She was running so fast that I didn’t even saw her face.” he asked. “That was Mary Mcgee, she went to see Abby before she leaves.” I said. Some minutes later Gibbs told us to go home. “What about the case?” I asked. “No leads so far. See you tomorrow.” Gibbs said and we all left. I went home and tried to sleep without having nightmares.

Tonys P.O.V.:

I had that feeling about that case. It wouldn’t be easy. I went home, fed my goldfish Kate, I ate and decided to watch a movie. When the movie was over I started to think. I picked my phone and looked at the picture. Some of them were mine, Zivas, me with Ziva and… I had forgot about that picture. It was of that girl when I first and last saw her when I was 16. I fell asleep, looking at her picture.

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