Chapter 26

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Next morning

Zivas P.O.V.:

Next morning I woke up with a blanket around me. I accidentally fall off the couch but I fell on something that wasn’t the floor. OMG it was Tony. I could see him with his eyes flew open. “Good morning to you too.” he smiled. “I am so sorry I just woke up and fall.” I said and realized that I was blushing like crazy. “You don’t have to be sorry.” he said and I got off him. I went to the bathroom, took a shower, wore some clothes and walked back to the living room. Tony was still sleeping so I sat on the floor and started to stroke his hair. Some minutes later he opened his  eyes. “Good morning again.” I said. “Hmmm… Good morning.” he said. “So are we going to keep painting?” I asked. “Yes but later.” he said. “And what are you going to do now?” I asked him. “I am just going to lay here.” He placed his head on my lap. “So I have to stay here too?” I asked him playfully. “Yap” he smiled. I smiled back and kept stroking his hair. “Come on my little bear… get up.” I said some minutes later. “Ok in a few.” he said. Then I licked my tongue into his ear and he jumped up. “What was that for?” he asked. “This was the only way to wake up.” I smiled innocently. “I’ll get my revenge Miss David.” he said playfully. “We will see that.” I said. He got up, took a shower and came back to the living room. “What do you want to eat Ziva?” Tony asked me. “I am not hungry, thanks.” I said. The truth is that I don’t want to eat because I was fat and no one is ever going to like me. Even Tony, the guy that I love, said to me that he loves another girl. So I got into the bedroom and started painting. Then he came behind me and placed his arms around my waist. “If you are trying to get revenge, it is not working.” I said. “Oh I am not even started yet.” he whispered to my ear. I turned around to face him and drew his face a bit with paint. “Miss David you are so dead…” he said. “You have to catch me first.” I said and started to run and hid behind the couch. I felt someone grabbing my foot and dragging me out. “You can’t hide from me Ziva…” Tony said. He started tickling me and I couldn’t breathe from laughing. “T…Tony… p…please s…stop…” I begged him. “Let me think about it… no.” he smiled devilish. “Please… I… I can’t… b…breathe.” I said. “Then you will let me to take you out for dinner.” he said.  “O…ok.” I said and he let go of me. I caught my breath and stood up. I realized that we were too close because our noses were almost touching. “I’ll go shopping. Will you come with me?” he broke the silence some minutes later. “Ok let’s go.” I said. We went to the shopping centre and Tony bought some furniture for his bedroom. While he was picking the furniture I bought some clothes. I bought some blouses and shirts, jeans and tights, two skirts and an amazing red short dress. I left and met Tony to the car. “So what did you buy?” he asked me. “You know… clothes.” I said.

 When we got back to the house we kept painting the room. “So Ziva… I promised you a dinner…” he started to say. “You don’t need to take me out for dinner.” I cut him off. “No, I want to take you out but I thought if we could do that tomorrow. I am dead tired.” he said. I went into the bathroom and took a shower. Terrible thoughts started running through my mind. I walked out, wore my pajamas and walked into the kitchen. “I ordered pizza.” Tony said. “I am not hungry. I’ll go sleep. Goodnight.” I said. I sat on the couch and took out my knife. I cut my wrist but not too deep. Then I saw Tony coming inside and I hid my knife.

 A.N. I am so so so sorry that I don't update but school is driving me crazy.

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