Chapter 44

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Tonys P.O.V.:

6 months later

I woke up at 7:00 because Tali was crying and Ziva was still sleeping. Igot up and went to her room.I picked her up, I changed her and brought her to our room. I laid next to Ziva and placed Tali between us. Then I fall asleep again. When I woke up there was no Ziva or Tali. I got up and went to the living room where I found a smiling Ziva holding a babbling Tali. "How are my beautiful girls?" I asked. "We are fine." Ziva said and kissed me. "So what's for breakfast?" I asked. "Pancakes with chocolate and coffee for us and milk for Tali." she said. "Could I ask for a better fiancée?". We ate our breakfast and Ziva washed the dishes while I was trying to learn Tali the word 'Ima'. "So my little ninja-princess how about learning the word 'Ima'? It means mum in Hebrew and I think your mummy will like it. What do you say?"  Tali clapped. "I'll take that as a yes. So let's start. Say i-m-a.". "I...". An hour later Tali had finally learnt the word. Then Ziva came and sat next to me. "So do you want to want to go for a walk later?" she asked me and took Tali off my hands. "Sure" I kissed her. "I have to put her to sleep." Ziva said and left. I followed her inside and stood to the door. She started singing at her until Tali fall asleep. "Hey I'll go take a shower. Will you join me?" I asked Ziva and started kissing her neck. "I think I'll pass." she said and tried to leave but I grabbed her from the waist and kissed her. Without her noticing I led us to the bathroom. I opened the shower and water started falling. "You are tricky." she said and kissed me. When we finished our shower, Ziva wrapped a towel around her and went to the bedroom.

Zivas P.O.V.:

While I was changing I felt someone staring at me. "See something you like?" I asked. "Yes" he said and started kissing my shoulders. I turned to face him and gave him a long passionate kiss. "If you are a good boy you will get a treat later." I smirked at him. "I just can't get enough of you." he said. "Then you will suffer until tonight." I said and walked to Talis room. "Sometimes I think you hate me." he said. I laughed and picked up Tali. I fed her and dressed her for our walk. Today it was a hot day so I wore a black top and some white shorts. "Tony are you ready?" I yelled. "Yes" he came down. I placed Tali in her stroller and we headed to the park.

When we got to the park we sat o a bench and I started to play with Tali. Suddenly she said "" which made me smile. "Tony did you learn her that?" I asked him. "Yeah". "It is so cute. I love you so much. Both of you." I said. On the way back Tony slammed my butt which made me jump a little. "Tony!" I said.  "What? I know you like it." he said and did it again. When we went back home I fed Tali and put her to her crib. I sang her a lullaby in Hebrew until she fall asleep. Tony was standing at the door looking at me, again. "You are a really good mother." he said.  "Well I always loved children and especially my own." I said. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck. "I thought you didn't like children. What changed?" I asked him. "Having my own made my father side to come out. And I really like it." he said. "What do you exactly mean?" I asked. "I mean that I want a big family with you. Look how happy we are with Tali so why not another one?" he said. I smiled and kissed him passionately. "I love you so much." I said. "I love you too" Tony said. The kisses became more heated ad leaded to the bedroom.

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