Chapter 23

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Tonys P.O.V.:

It was unbelievable. I just wanted to kill this guy. Then I saw that Ziva had fallen asleep, so I picked her up and layed her on the bed. I went to the living room and called Gibbs.

G: What do you need Tony?

T: Boss something happened between Ziva and Ray. I don’t think she will be in the mood tomorrow to go to work.

G: What happened exactly?

T: They broke up and he hit her but I don’t think it is only that.

G: Bring her here to witness if something else has also happened so we can put this bastard into jail. I don’t want to see any of you two for 2 days.

T: Ok boss.

I hanged up and laid on the couch. I couldn’t get asleep. Everything that she told me was too much. And not only the event with Ray. There is also Somalia and the serial killer that kidnapped her. Then I heard a voice coming from my bedroom. I went inside and saw Ziva. She was having a nightmare. I sat next to her and tried to wake her up. “Zi, wake up… Zi.” I said while I was holding her hand. “No, stop.” she screamed and jumped up. “Shh Zi it is ok. I am here. No one is going to hurt you anymore.” I said and tried to comfort her. I pulled her back down and walked to the door. “Tony?” she said quietly. “Yes Ziva.” I said. “Can you lay with me?” she asked me. “Of course.” I laid next to her. She placed her head on my chest and her arms around my middle. “So do you want to tell me about your nightmare?” I wrapped my arms around her. “Maybe tomorrow.” she said. After 10 minutes we both fall asleep.

Next morning I woke up earlier than Ziva but I didn’t move. I was stroking her hair until she started to move. “Sorry if I woke you up.” I said. “No you didn’t. Shouldn’t we have to leave for work?” she asked. “No, Gibbs gave us 2 days off.” I said. She got up and went to the bathroom. As I heard the water running, I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I started to cook waffles with chocolate. Some minutes later Ziva came in. “Goodmorning.” she said. “Goodmorning sweetcheeks.” I said. “So what are you cooking?” she asked. “Waffles with chocolate.” I said. “Mmm… it sounds delicious.” she smiled. After I finished cooking, I put our plates on the table and we started to eat. “So what do you want to do today?” I asked her. “I don’t know. We will see.” she replied. After we ate, we sat on the couch. “So will you tell me about your nightmare?” I asked her. “Well it was about all the people that hurt me. I was tied up on a chair and… and I saw Salem, the killer and Ray. They started to hit me and called me terrible names.” She said sniffling. “Ziva calm down. It was only a bad dream. I won’t let anything happen to you.” I said. She ran and locked herself into my bedroom. “Ziva please come out.” I said to her. “No” she said and I could hear her crying. I broke the door and saw her curled up on the corner of the room, crying. I went close to her and hugged her. After some minutes she was fast asleep. I couldn’t leave her because she was almost on me. I didn’t mind. I started making circles to her back and felt something. I pulled up her top a bit  and saw… scars. And her stomach had a purple bruise. I have to ask her about it. Then I fall asleep too. When I woke up Ziva wasn’t there. I went to the living room and saw her sitting on the couch, drinking tea. “So you decided to wake up?” she said. “Are you teasing me?” I smiled at her. “Maybe” she said. “Can I ask you a question?” I sat next to her. “Of course.” she said. “I saw your scars and bruises. Who did this to you?” I asked her. She placed her tea on the table and came closer to me. “So do you really want to know?” she asked me. “Well yeah.” I wrapped my arms around her and held her close to me. “Then I have to tell you the whole story. So the last week that I was with Ray he used to come to my house drunk. And he just started to cut me and hit me. He was treating me like trash.” a tear rolled from her cheek and I held her closer. “Then why did you accepted his invitation?” I asked her. “He said that he wanted to apologize and make it up.” she nuzzled her head on my chest. “Everything is over now. But you have to tell Gibbs so we can put him into jail.” I said. “Ok let’s go later.” she said. We stayed like that for some minutes and then I kissed her forehead. “Come on let’s get ready.” I said.

After 20 minutes we finally went to the N.C.I.S.. Ziva told everything to Gibbs and after that we went to Abbys lab. “Abby air.” We both said after our bone-crush hug from Abby. “So guys what happened? I haven’t seen you all day. Oh and Ziva I am so sorry for you and Ray but you should know that I always hated him.” Abby said and took a sip of her Caf-Pow. “ Actually Gibbs gave us a week off. So I have to babysit Ziva.” I said. “Ha, ha, very funny. I do not need babysitting.” she said. “Ok see you Abbs.” I said and we both left. I think that I will tell her how I feel about her this week. Oh and I sent Abby a picture of the girl that I never learnt her name so she could tell me who she was.

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