Chapter 27

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Tonys P.O.V.:

I saw that Ziva looked upset when she came in the kitchen. I also realized that she had to eat 1 or 2 days now. I went into the living room and sat next to her. I looked at her wrist which was bleeding. “Ziva your wrist is bleeding.” I got up  and took some bandages. “Ziva why did you do this to yourself?” I wrapped the bandage around her wrist. She started to sob and shot up but I grabbed her and sat her next to me. “Sorry… I am so sorry.” she sniffled. “It is ok Ziva just calm down and tell me why are you doing this to yourself?” I asked her and start stroking her back and forth. “I am fat and… ugly and…nobody will ever like me.” she cried. “Shhh… you are wrong. You are not fat you are very thin. And you are the most beautiful woman in the world. You are like a model. You are perfect.” I said and kissed her forehead. I looked at her and she was asleep. She was snuggled up to me with her head on my chest and I had my arms around her. Some minutes later I was also asleep.

Next morning I woke up but Ziva was still asleep. These mornings have been the best mornings ever. Every time I woke up I see Ziva. I could get used to it. I didn’t move, just laid there. After 40 minutes she started to wake up. “Goodmorning sleepy head.” I said to her with a smile. “Goodmorning. Did I wake you up?” she asked. “I’ve woke up 40 minutes ago.” I said. “Then why didn’t you get up?” she asked me. “I didn’t want to wake you up.” I said. “Oh you are so sweet.” she kissed my cheek. She got up and went to the kitchen. She made breakfast and we ate. “So are you ok now?” I asked her. “Yeah.”. “So when will they bring your furniture?” she asked. “In about two hours.” I said. After we ate we decide to go for a walk by the sea. While we were walking I saw that Ziva was a bit cold so I gave her my jacket. “Tony I don’t need that and you will also get cold.” she said. “I’ll be fine.” I said. When we got back home we ate lunch and I took a shower. When I got out I saw Ziva fast asleep so I went into the living room and booked us a table to the roof of the most expensive restaurant in D.C., it also has a pool. But I will not tell Ziva about it.

Zivas P.O.V.:

These days have been… well I can’t explain them. I opened up to Tony which is weird for me. I walked into the kitchen and saw Tony eating something. “So what are you eating again?” I asked him. “What do you mean?” he said with his mouth full of food. I couldn’t help it anymore and I started to laugh. Then I saw Tony leaving the kitchen and heading to the living room. I calmed down and followed him. He sat on the couch, pouting. I went and sat next to him. “Come on Tony. I was joking. You can’t be mad at me right?” I hugged him. “You hurt my feelings.” he sounded like a baby. I hugged him tighter and I was almost on him. Then he turned to face me and our eyes locked. I was staring into his green eyes and I could see the sadness which made me even more sad. He was looking into my eyes and saw that I was really sorry. “Ok I forgive you.” he said and I lighten up. Then the doorbell rang. We both got up and went into the door. It was the guys with the furniture. An hour later they left and we went inside to see the room. “So what do you think?” he asked me. “It looks nice, I guess.” I said. “Ok now go get ready because we have to leave in an hour.” he said. “For what?” I asked. “I told you that I would take you out for dinner.” he said. I took a shower, made my hair into big soft curls, wore some make-up and of course my dress and heels.

Tonys P.O.V.:

I was ready and waited to the living room. “Ziva are you ready?” I asked. “Yes” she said. The door opened and my jaw dropped. Ziva looked AMAZING. “Wow Ziva you look… wow!”. She looked sooo beautiful. “You look handsome too.” she said smiling. We went into the restaurant and went to the roof. I could say that both of us were amazed. We sat on our table and ordered our food. “Wow Tony this looks perfect.” she said. “Oh t is nothing. I wanted to spoil you after all this help.” I said. Then our food came and we ate. After we ate, Ziva stood up and looked at the view. “The view is amazing.” she said. “I think that the view from here is better.” I said and we both smiled. Then she came to my direction and sat on my lap. “Please let me pay half of this.” she said. “No, I took you out for dinner that means that I have to pay.” I said. “Please Tony I feel bad for making you pay all this.” she said an stood up. She walked by the pool and I went next to her. “Don’t be sad. For me?” I looked into her chocolate brown eyes. “Ok” she smiled. I wrapped me hands around her waist and she giggled. “Did that tickle you?” I asked. “A little.” she said. I started tickling her but she took my hands away. “No, you won’t do that or else…” she said with a devilish smile. “Or else?” I asked. She came closer to me and whispered to my ear. “Do you really want to know?” she asked and I nodded. She placed her fingers on my chest and…

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