Chapter 19

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Zivas P.O.V.:

It has been a week since I left the hospital. Gibbs gave me an extra week to rest but I didn’t want to. So I decided to go back tomorrow but no field work. It is ok for now. I am really bored. Then the doorbell rang. I opened and it was Tony. “Hey Ziva.” he said happily. Of course he will be happy, he has E.J. now. But what was he doing here? Well some company wouldn’t mind me. “So Tony what are you doing here?” I asked. “Two reasons. I wanted to see you and Gibbs want me to check on you.” he said. “well I don’t need a babysitter, I am a big girl now.” I said. “Then ok we will just hung out.” he said. Why is he so happy? Weird. I’ll find it out. “So what do you want to do?” I asked. “We could go for a walk and then watch a movie. What do you think?” he asked. “Ok, just let me wear something else.” I said and went to my room. I wore some white shorts and a blue top. I went outside and walked outside. All the way I could sense that Tony was staring at me. I didn’t mind. We went to a park and sat on a bench to talk. Some minutes later a 23 year old came over to us. “Hey, I am Jacob. Here take my number.” he gave me a piece of paper and left. “Sorry dude you are late.” Tony wrapped his arms around my waist and I giggled. “Is Miss David giggling?” he asked me. “It is not my fault. You tickled me.” I said and realized that I just said to Tony I am ticklish. “I didn’t knew ninjas are ticklish.” he smiled devilish and started to tickle me. I escaped and he chased me until the house. When I stepped in the house, Tony caught me and start tickling me. “S…Stop…Please” I laughed. “Just for a little while more.” he said. “Please I’ll do anything” I laughed. He let go of me and I stood up. I realized that we were really close when everything went black.

Tonys P.O.V.:

Great, Ziva fainted. The good news is that I caught her before she fell. I put her to her bed and went to the kitchen. I was cooking when my phone rang.

T: Hello?

G: Dinozzo where is Ziva?

T: She fainted because she was tired and I put her to her bed.

G: Take care of her. Got to go.

I hanged up and finished cooking. I put the food on the living room table and put a movie to watch until Ziva wakes up. I heard footsteps from the bedroom and saw Ziva. “Can I ask you what happened?” she asked me confused. “Sure, I was tickling you, you fainted, I put you to your bed, I cooked dinner and I am about to watch a movie.” I said. “Ok” she said and sat next to me on the couch. “So what are we going to watch?” she asked me. “A thriller called the Conjuring.” I said. I started the movie and gave Ziva her plate with food. When the movie ended, I was a little scared but Ziva looked sleepy. Her head was on my shoulder and her eyes were ready to close. “Come on Zi you got to go to bed. You look tired and we will have to go to work tomorrow.” I said. I grabbed my jacket and left her house.

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