Chapter 6

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Zivas P.O.V.:

I can’t believe that I am back to Israel. I already miss America. Yeah ok not exactly America, him. I don’t even know his name to search him. Actually he doesn’t look like a complete American, but I am not sure. Now the only thing that has left me to do is wait for my next undercover in America. It is almost midnight and tomorrow I have a really busy and a bit boring day. The only thing I could think of was the parking scene. The time that we first talked. It is just unbelievable that my last day in America was my best. Soon I fell asleep.

Tonys P.O.V.:

I just can’t realize that I might won’t see her again. I am so heartbroken that I feel sick. I am not going to school today. I sat on my couch and watched some movies. Nothing made me feel better. I got a call from Abby:

T: Hey Abby

A: TONY! Where are you?

T: Home. I don’t feel very well. I might be sick.

A: You are lying. You are not sick.

T: Well I don’t feel very well as I said. I have a pain in my chest and I also have a stomachache.

A: Oh Tony you are not sick, you are heartbroken. I am so sorry for you but I got to go to class. Me, Kate and Mcgee will pass later to see you. Byeeeeeeeeeeee.

T: Bye Abby.


I closed my phone and kept watching T.V. Then I got a flashback.


Kate: Tony I forgot my phone, can you please take a video with yours?

Tony: Ok, just wait a second…Opps!I took a picture.  (After the concert, before the parking scene) Ok I have it. I am sending it to you and when you will get back home you will get it.

Kate: Ok thanks.


Right I have a photo of her in my phone. Crab it is a little blurry, but it is better from nothing. I also have the video, not that it is better but at least I can hear her voice a bit. I spent hours watching the video again and again until I got hungry. I went to the kitchen and ate a sandwich. Then I heard a knock at the door. It was Abby, Mcgee and Kate.

T: Hey guys!

M: hey Tony, how do you feel?

A+K: Yeah how do you feel?

K: We brought you some donats.

T: Thanks you guys, but it wasn’t necessary. I will be fine. I am going to get over it.

M: We could watch a movie if you want.

T: Mcgee, seriously. I might be heartbroken but I am still the same. I loved, I love and I will love movies. It is a part of me.

They all laughed at me. We watched a movie and when it ended everyone was asleep except from me. I couldn’t sleep easily while I was watching a movie. I got up and took some blankets from the bedroom and covered everyone. Some minutes later I fell asleep.

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