Chapter 28

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Zivas P.O.V.:

I placed my fingers on his chest and softly pushed him into the pool. I started to laugh uncontrollable. He got up from the pool and before I could do anything he grabbed my waist. Before he could throw me to the pool, I wrapped my feet around him. “Were you really going to throw me to the pool?” I asked. “It is called revenge. Miss David.” he said. “Well now you can’t do anything except if you want to get wet, again.” I teased him. “As you said I am already wet so I don’t have something to lose.” he said. Then he threw me to the pool and he fall too. I put my head out of the water and before he could see me I hid from him. “I know you are somewhere…” he said. I went behind him and wrapped my arms around his middle which made his jump. “You just didn’t know where I was.” I whispered. “Ziva you scared the hell out of me.” he said. “I know now let’s get out because it starts to get cold.” I said. We got out of the pool and went back to the house. I wore some dry clothes and when I went out tony hugged me really tight. “Oh come on Tony, you are still wearing your wet clothes.” I said. “Well you probably forgot that you ‘accidentally’ threw me some cream.” he said. I had forgot about that. Then he let go of me. “Let’s go change because you are going to have a cold and because I am a mess again.” I said. Then he gave me a look ‘did you just suggest me to change clothes with you?’. “Oh God you are such a weirdo.” I said and smacked his arm. Before he closed the door he yelled “Oh and it is catch a cold, not have a cold.”. “Yeah whatever.” I said. I changed clothes, again and went to the living room. I saw Tony watching a movie so I joined him. After a few minutes I fall asleep.

Next morning I woke up o the couch. I heard someone coughing from Tonys’ bedroom. I went into his bedroom and saw his laying on his bed coughing. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “I am sick.” he said. “How do you feel?” I asked. “Not good. I have temperature, my head hurts so does my throat. I am dying” he whined. “How much temperature?” I asked. “37,9” he said and I giggled. He is such a baby, I thought. I went into the kitchen and made breakfast. After I was finished, I called Tony and he came in. “What did you cook?” he asked. “I made for you bacon and eggs with orange juice and for me I made coffee with toast.” I said. After we ate we sat on the couch. I wrapped my arms around him and placed my head on his shoulder. Some minutes later we both fell back to sleep. When I woke up I saw Tony running his fingers threw my hair. “Slept well sweet cheeks?” he asked me and I giggled at the nickname. “Yeah. What about you?” I asked. “I slept perfect but I feel like a dead person. I think I am going to be the next body for Ducky.” he said. “Come on Tony, don’t be such a baby. Go take a shower and you’ll see that you are going to feel better.” I said. He walked into the bathroom and I just stood there. Then I remembered that I had brought my book with me. I went to my bag and got it. I laid on Tonys bed and started to read.

Tonys P.O.V.:

I was feeling so sick but after I took a shower I felt better. I went to the bedroom and saw Ziva. She looked so beautiful. I went and laid next to her with my head on her stomach. “Feel comfortable?” she asked me. “Wait a second.” I said and got up. I took a blanket and threw it over us. “Now yeah.” I said. An hour later we both fall asleep.

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