Chapter 47

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Before I start...Happy Birthday Micheal Weatherly!☺❤

* 3 years and some months later.*

Tony's P.O.V.:

I woke up and found my beautiful wife sleeping with her head on my chest and her arm around my middle. I started playing with her hair until she woke up. "Good morning beautiful." I said to her. "Good morning " she kissed me. "What are we going to do today sweetcheeks?" I asked. "We have planned to go to Gibbs' for dinner. Also did you know that you have been calling me that since our first undercover?" she said. "Yes I know and I will never stop." I said and started tracing circles on her back. Then our bedroom door opened and our three beautiful angels came in. When she told me she was pregnant on our wedding day we were expecting twins. A boy and a girl, Jake Antony Dinozzo and Kate Isabella Dinozzo. Tali is a mini Ziva, Jake is a mini me and Kate has both of our looks and personality. "Daddy? Ima?" they asked. I noticed that Ziva.was fast asleep again. "Good morning little angels. Ima is sleeping now. Come here." I said and they all climbed up on our bed. They all curled up on my chest with Ziva's arm over them. It was such a beautiful scene to see. Some minutes later Ziva woke up again and when she saw us , she smiled too. "Good morning sweeties. Let's go eat breakfast and get ready to go to Gibbs' house." She said after she kissed their foreheads. "Ok ima." they said and left to the kitchen. "We make some amazing children." I said. "Yes we do and I have an amazing husband."she said and we leaned into a kiss. "Come on let's get up my love." I said to her and we got up. We went to the kitchen and prepared breakfast for everyone. After we ate I went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Ziva's P.O.V.:

While Tony was having a shower, I was playing with Tali, Jake and Kate. Then they started tickling me. I started to laugh so hard I could hardly breath. "Hey don't tickle ima without me." I heard Tony saying and then he started tickling me too. "Tony...I swear...I" I managed to say. They let go of me and Tony helped me get up. "Since when do they know that I am ticklish?" I asked Tony. "Since I told them?" he said innocently. "I am going to..." I started saying but I was integrated by Tony's lips on mine. "You won't do anything because you love me and you can't resist me."he said. If he thinks that he can stop me with a kiss and an excuse,he is way wrong. "Come on kids let's get ready or we'll be late like your daddy." I said. I helped them get dressed and put a movie for them to watch while me and Tony were getting ready.
I went in my bedroom and wore a simple black dress with my black high heels. I put on some make up and curled my hair. Tony came in and wrapped his arms around my waist. "You were.mean before." he said. "I will make it up to you." I wrapped my arms around his neck. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. We made out for some minutes and I wore some more lisstick because now Tony was wearing it. Then we left with the kids. When we went to Gibbs' house, everyone was there. Abby, McGee, their child Leroy Timothy, Ducky, Jimmy, Breena, their daughter Victoria and of course Gibbs. The kids went to play while we were talking. "So Tony why are you wearing Ziva's lipstick?" Abby asked. "What?" Tony asked and looked at me but I just laughed. After the lipstick was gone he wrapped his arms around my waist. "You took your revenge? " he asked me. "No. This was just for fun." I said and kissed him. "Hey lovebirds, come eat." Gibbs said. We sat with the rest of the guys and had a wonderful meal. After that we talked, remembered the past, watched old pictures and laughed. To me these people were more than friends. They were my family who changed my life. Even if I could change something about them, I wouldn't because I love each one of them just the way they are.

The end...(the dress in the picture is Abby's wedding dress)

So that was the last chapter. I want to thank all the people that read and voted my story because if it wasn't them I wouldn't have finished the story.
My next book is going to be updated very soon and I would be very happy if you check it out. Love you. Have a nice summer.☺❤

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