Chapter 9

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*After the case was closed and Ziva was a part of the team.*

Narrators P.O.V.:

It is the teams’ first case after Kates and Aris deaths. Ziva has become a part of the team. Everyone’s behavour wasn’t good at first to Ziva but then they all became good friends. So now everyone is back to the bullpen from the crime scene but this time Ziva drove…

Zivas P.O.V.:

We are back to the bullpen and I drove again after 6 months. It felt nice except the part that Tony threw up while I was driving. We were sitting on our desks and for the 100th time I was apologizing to Tony. “Tony  for the 100th time I am sorry. By the way it is not my fault that you throw up so easily.” I said making my voice sound like I am really sorry but I don’t think it works. He looked really mad when I said that and he didn’t even give me a look. Nothing, just nothing. Ah he will be fine. Now I have to go back to work. I have an e-mail from my friend Mary. It says ‘Would you like to go for a coffee later?’. ‘I am sorry but I don’t think I can leave from work right now because we have a case. Maybe you could come here instead. What do you think?’ I answered. ‘Sure I’ll be there in an hour. I’ll bring you coffee.’ she wrote back. ‘Ok see ya <3’ I texted her back.

After an hour I heard the elevator made the usual ‘ding’ sound and saw Mary coming out holding two coffees, heading to my desk. “Hey Mary, thanks” I said when she gave my coffee and I started drinking it. “Oh it is nothing, so how are you? I have to speak to you since… yesterday.” she said. She tried to hold back the laugh because she made that sentence sound really dramatic and I smiled. “I am fine. How was acting lessons?” I asked her and I saw a flying paper landing on my desk from Tony with was saying ‘Are you going to introduce me to your friend?’ I smiled and after I saw that Mary was trying to read the paper and she accidentally almost fell because she was wearing heels, I started to giggle. “Hey don’t laugh at me, you are not the one that wears heels.” she complained. “Yeah by the way why are you wearing so fancy clothes?” I asked her. She was wearing a black short dress with black heels. “Well you know my friend Julia. She is one of the most popular girls in the school and she is having THE party of the year. But because I came here I won’t have enough time to get ready so I got ready and then I came here.” she said full of energy. “Ok then. Oh and let me introduce you my partner Tony Dinozzo.” I said as Mary turned around and head to Tony desk. “Well hello Tony, I am Mary Smith and it is my pleasure to meet you.” she said with a different accent that made me laugh a little. “My pleasure Miss Smith.” Tony said. Then she turned to my side. “Are you laughing at something specific?” she asked me. “Yes I am laughing with your accent. Problem?” I said with a teasing tone. “Well then you should know that I was doing you accent… so ha!” she said with a funny tone. “Then you are a terrible mime of me.” I said with a smile. Then I realized that Tony was almost dying from laughing. I gave a knife to Mary and made a signal to her. She took the knife and turned around so she could see Tony. “Are you laughing about something specific? me and Mary said at the same time but he didn’t answer because he was laughing so much that he couldn’t speak. Then me and Mary threw our knifes to him, missing him by an inch. He stopped laughing and he now he looked terrified. “Well that stopped his laugh.” I said and Mary came behind me to give my knife and a hug. “Yeah, look at him. He is… speechless.” Mary said. “Ok that was mean. From both of you.” Tony said with an innocent voice. We talked about an hour and then we all had to go. Mary left first to go at Julias party and I left 5 minutes later with Tony. We headed to the elevator and went to our separate  cars. When I got back to my house I thought about today. It was really weird. For the first time in my life I had so much fun. Tony is a really good guy but he can be really irritating.

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