Chapter 2

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Zivas P.O.V. :

Tomorrow I have to perform a song for a concert in D.C. high school ( where the target teaches ) and I still do not know which. Usually I am not nervous at all but now something is bothering me and I don’t know what it is. In about 10 minutes I have to go shopping to pick a dress, shoes, make up, accessories and tomorrow I will go to make my hair. I got dressed into a blue top and some shorts.

When I arrived to the shopping center I got into 5 stores until I found the dress I liked. It was a mini strapless black dress with a gold belt. Then I went to the shoe shop and bought some 12 heeled stilettos which I really liked. Oh and I forgot to tell you that the dress is mini in the frond and long in the back. After I went on a make up shop and bought a red lipstick, lip-gloss, mascara and eyeliner (I know that you think “How can a 16 year old don’t have make-up?” Well I left them in Israel). For the end I bought a necklace with a black butterfly and some matching earrings. Finally I went back home to leave my new stuff. I got hungry and ordered some Chinese. I sat on my bed and ate. Next morning I woke up at 12 o’clock and start getting ready to go to the hairdresser. At the hairdresser she made my hair into big soft curls. I loved them. At my way back home I chose the song I was going to sing tonight so I got home, I went to my room and start singing so I would be ready for tonight (I will keep the song secret until the concert). After I watched T.V. I fell asleep for almost 2 hours to be fresh. I do not know why I am taking this so seriously or why I am so nervous, but I don’t care about learning it.

Two hours later I got up, I took a shower and start getting ready. I wore my dress, did my make-up, I let my hair down and checked myself to the mirror. OMG!!! I can’t believe it. I look amazing in this dress! I should keep it forever! OK I have got to get focused. I went into my car and drove to the schools backstage.

Tonys P.O.V.:

We are about to enter to our school (D.C. high school by the way) where the concert is going to happen. So me, Abby, Tim and Kate are on the first line and we will be so close to the singers! Now the principal says to the microphone “Hello kids, tonight we have a special guest that is going to perform to us an amazing song!!!’’ Then everyone claps and the stage goes black. Then a light opens and……….

A.N.: Tell me what you think about it so far. I know I haven't written much but I still want you to read, comment and vote if you like it.♥♥♥

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