Chapter 31

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Tonys P.O.V.:

Me and Ziva have been dating for 2 months but I still haven’t told her about the picture. I haven’t found the perfect time yet. My life is great except from some things. For example my father came last week and he embarrassed me. And every day I have to deal with new problems. The only person that makes these problems disappear is Ziva, my Ziva. I love her so much that it can’t be count.

Zivas P.O.V.:

I saw that Tony was staring at me all day. When we went back to the squad room from the crime scene I opened my e-mail. Mary texted me that she is in D.C. and she will come over to see us. Tony texted me ‘Will you come over tonight?’. ‘Yes, love you’ I texted him back. ‘I love you too’ he texted. Two hours later Mary came in. “Hi! How are you? Tell me everything.” she said without breathing. “Ok calm down. I am dating a guy. He is sweet and handsome. So what about you?” I asked her. “Nothing” she said. Some minutes later the guys came in. “Hi Mary.” they all said. “Hi guys” she said.

Tonys P.O.V.:

We talked with Mary for a while but then she had to leave. She said goodbye to Ziva and Mcgee and kissed them on the cheek. Then she came to me. “If you hurt her, I am going to kill you slowly and painfully.” she kissed my cheek and left. I got a little terrified but I would never hurt Ziva. An hour later we all went to our houses and Ziva came 5 minutes later. We watched a movie which leaded to the bedroom.

Zivas P.O.V.:

Next morning I woke up next to Tony. He had his arms around me. He looked so cute in his sleep. I laid there for some minutes and then I got up as quietly as I could so I would not wake Tony up. I took a shower, wore some clothes and went to the kitchen. While I was preparing breakfast I saw that the weather was rainy. When I was done with cooking I went back to Tonys bedroom. I sat next to him and tried to wake him up. “Tony… sweetie wake up.” I said. He slowly opened his eyes and when he saw me, he grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of him. He started to kiss me and I was giggling. I kissed him one last time and stood up. “Hey why did you left?” he said with a sad voice. “I made breakfast.” I said. I went into the kitchen and felt Tonys arms around my waist. “Good morning.” I said. “Mmm…Good morning.” he kissed my neck. I turned around to face him and kissed him. I gave him his coffee and we sat to eat our breakfast. After we ate we sat on the couch. “So what do you want to do today sweet cheks?” he pulled on his lap. “I’ve planned to go shopping with Abby.” I said. “When?” he asked. “In about an hour so I better get going.” I kissed him and left.

Abbys P.O.V.:

Ziva looks like she is in a very good mood today. “So Ziva. We haven’t talked as friends but only about work. So tell me what his happening to your mysterious life?” I asked her. “Oh nothing important. What about you?” she asked me. I knew she was hiding something. She is so happy lately and it is very weird. “The same. Nothing new.” I lied. Me and Mcgee star dating a week now and it is amazing. I talked a bit with Ziva and then we went back to our houses. I knew that her happyness had to do with the picture Tony gave me but I decided to let it go.

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