Chapter 35

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A.N. Sorry it took me some time to update but I this week was CRAZY. So here is the next chapter.

Tonys P.O.V.:

*7 months later*

It has been 7 months since I have seen Ziva. I miss her so much. We have new member Ellie Bishop. She is a good person but she is not Ziva. I wish she had come with me.

Abbys P.O.V.:

All these 7 months have been very hard. For all of us. Tony isn’t his self anymore. He is heartbroken. Mcgee lost his big sister. I lost my best friend and sister too. Ziva was a big part of our lifes. Gibbs might not show it but he is in pain too. He lost one of his daughters.

Zivas P.O.V.:

Today was the day. I am back in D.C.. I decided to come in D.C. and raise my child. After Tony left I found out that the day before he got me pregnant. I didn’t came earlier because I didn’t have the courage and I know that tony hates children. But now I don’t care if he wants to be with me or not. It might hurt me but I’ll handle it. I’ll have my family to help me, if they want me back. I’ve planned to talk to Gibbs first because he is like a father to me and he will understand. I will just wait until night. I ate lunch, I slept and in the morning I had morning sickness. I hate morning sickness. When it was 8 o’ clock I went to Gibbs house. I went down at his basement where I found him building a boat. “Hey Gibbs” I said. “Ziva you are back.” he said and hugged me. “And I can see you didn’t came alone.” he noticed my 7 month baby bump. “Yeah” I smiled. “So who is the father?” “Tony” I said. “WHAT? WHEN?” he yelled. “Please stop yelling and let me explain. Me and Tony had been dating for a year. This happened the day before he left from Israel.” I said. “YOU AND DINOZZO HAD BEEN DATING FOR A YEAR AND YOU DODN’T BOTHER TO TELL ME? YOU BROKE MY RULES?” he yelled. “P…please don’t yell a…at me.” I cried. I left Gibbs house with tears in my eyes and went to Tonys.

I stood at his door and rang the doorbell. He opened the door and saw me. “Ziva! You are back! Why are you crying?” he asked me. He took me into his bedroom and laid me on his bed. He laid next to me nd wrapped his arms around me. “Shhhh Ziva calm down and tell me, what happened? Why are you crying? When did you come back? And who is this little guy inside you?” he said with a sweet tone and rubbed my baby bump. After some minutes I calmed down. “So do you want me to answer to your questions?” I asked. “It can wait. Now you should get some rest.” he said. “Can you stay with me?” I asked him. “Of course sweet cheeks.” he said. I placed my hands around him and nuzzled my head on his chest. He was rubbing my bump which made me smile. I felt safe. Tomorrow I had to tell him that the kid is his and that I still love him. I soon fall asleep.

Tonys P.O.V.:

Everything was really weird today. First I saw Ziva again after 7 months, crying in front of my door and she is pregnant. The father must be a really lucky guy! I was looking at her, she looks so beautiful and her baby bump made her look cuter. I love her so much. I will stay by her side even if I am not the father. I was ready to sleep when I felt the baby kicking. I smiled, kissed Zivas forehead and fall asleep.

Gibbs P.O.V.:

I know that it was wrong to yell at Ziva. I wasn’t thinking. I also know about her hormones. Tomorrow I’ll go find her and apologize to her.

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