Chapter 37

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Tonys P.O.V.:

I was so excited to have a baby girl. We went back home and I realized that the fridge was empty. “Ziva go take a bubble bath and I will be back.” I said to her and kissed her. I went to the mini market and bought some things. I went back home and the whole place smelled like roses. “Ziva I am back.” I yelled so she could hear. “I’ll come in a minute.” she said. I started cooking and I felt something touching my back and then I saw Zivas head appearing over my shoulder. “You know now that I am pregnant I can’t scare you.” Ziva said. “Why do you say that?” I asked her and turned around so I was facing her. “Because of our little princess.” she rubbed her bump. “Yeah I haven’t thought of that.” I smiled. We cooked dinner and sat on the living room. “The guys are going to be here in an hour. What do you want to do until then?” she asked me. “I just want to stay here with you.” I said. I sat her on my lap and pulled up her sweater so I could see her bump. “Hey baby princess. I am your daddy and I love you. You should know that you have an amazing mum. She is beautiful, smart, sexy, sweet, funny and a ninja. You might be like her. She will teach you a lot of things like how to kill someone with a paper clip or other objects. She will also teach you all the languages she knows. Be careful there are 10.” I said while my head was resting on her bump. Then I felt a hard baby kick hitting my ear. “Yeap you are definitely going to be a ninja-princess.” I said. I covered Zivas bump and looked at her. She had tears in her eyes. “Ziva why are you crying?” I asked her. “Two reasons. One, you are very sweet with me and the baby. Two, I don’t think I can be the mum that she deserves.” she said. I hugged her tight and stroked her back and forth. “Ziva you are going to be an amazing mum. This is going to be the most lucky in the world. Oh and I have something to tell you at night.” I said and gave her a kiss. “I love you mon petit pois.” she said. “I love you too sweet cheeks.” I said. Then the doorbell rang. “Come on lets get the door” I said. We got up and went to the door. “Hi guys” me and Ziva said. “ZIVAAAAA I’VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH…OMG YOU ARE PREGNANT!!! WHO IS THE FATHER??? IS IT A BOY OR A GIRL? IN WHICH MONTH ARE YOU?” Abby screamed in happiness and gave Ziva a bone crash hug until she couldn’t breathe. “I will answer to your questions later.” she said. She said hi to everyone else and we sat on the table. We ate, talked and laughed.


Zivas P.O.V.:

When we were done eating me and Tony decided to tell the news. “So Abby about your questions… I am 7 months pregnant, it is a girl and the father is Tony.” I said. “OMG GUYS I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU.” Abby screamed. “Congrats guys” Mcgee, Ducky, Jimmy and Gibbs said. An hour later everyone left and me and Tony laid on bed. I was snuggled up next to him and he had his one arm around me and the other on my bump. “So Tony what did you wanted to tell me?” I asked him as I looked into his green eyes which make me melt every time I see them. “So it might sound crazy but when I was 16 I went to a school concert. There I saw a girl that was singing and she was amazing. She had a great voice and she was really beautiful. So I went to meet her at the parking after the concert but she never told me her name. One day I remembered that I had a photo of her so I analyzed it and found who she was.” he said. OMG he was talking about me. “So who is she?” I pretended like I didn’t know. “You can’t think of anyone? Because I think you know very well.” he said and I blushed. “No I have no idea of what are you talking about.” I said. “I would tickle you now but I won’t because you are pregnant and if I tickle you, you are going to give birth earlier. But if you want me to tell you then I will. The girl is someone with the name Ziva David. Do you know her?” he said. “Yes and it is meeeeee…” I said. “I know and I love you.” he said and we kissed. “I love you too” I said and some minutes later I fall asleep.

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