Chapter 12

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Tonys P.O.V.:

Now I am sitting on an uncomfortable chair. The good news is that me and Mcgee are still alive but I don’t know for how long. Oh great Salem is back. I swear I want to kill this guy. “Hello agent Dinozzo. How do you feel?” he asked me. “Oh Salem I didn’t notice you. First it’s very special agent Dinozzo and second I feel great. This place is better than a hotel.” I said using the only weapon that I had, irritate the enemy so he wants to kill himself. “Ok then. I want you to answer to my questions. You will not be able to lie or not answer because of me secret medicine but you can call it truth serum. It will make you answer the truth to everything I ask you and you can’t resist it.’ he said and gave that truth serum. Then he started to ask me questions and I just couldn’t lie. It was like my mouth was opening without me wanting it to. “Final question. Why did you left America and came here?” he asked me. “We are here to take back one of our agents called Ziva David and we know you have her.” I said and Salem left the room. “Hey Mcgee are you ok? Took you beauty sleep?” I teased him. “I am fine tony and I was acting the unconscious.” Mcgee said and the door opened. Salem came in with another person but the person had a bag on his head so I couldn’t see his/her face. He took the person and he sat it on a chair right across me. Then he took the bag of the persons head and it was…Ziva.

OMG! “Now one of you two will give the information I want and the other one will die. You have 10 minutes to decide.” Salem said and left the room. I was looking at Ziva all the time. I was so happy to see her again after all these months. “So how was your summer?” I said and broke the silence between us. “Why are you here?” she asked me. “I couldn’t live without you, I guess.” I said uncontrollably. “Mcgee are you ok?” she asked Mcgee but she was looking at me. “I am just glad you are ok.” he said. For the next minutes there was silence between us. Then the door opened and Salem came in with a knife on his hand. “So who is going to die?” he asked us. “They will tell you everything you want, kill me.” Ziva said and my jaw dropped. She couldn’t say that. Salem took his knife and he started to cut her neck. “No, stop.” I screamed. “What now agent Dinozzo?” he asked me annoyed. “I forgotto tell you something important.” I said. “Tell me then.” he said. “You have 30 seconds of life Salem.” I said with a big smile on my face. “Funny joke agent Dinozzo.” he said. “Remember Salem I can’t lie.” I said and watched the fear in his eyes. Before he could respond a bullet went through his head and Mcgee untied us.

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