Chapter 30

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Tonys P.O.V.:

Its Valentine’s Day. The day of love. I should plan something. “Tony, Abby wants to talk to you.” Gibbs said. I went down at Abbys lab. “What do you need Abby?” I asked her. “I had a match at the picture you gave me months ago. It is… Ziva.” she said. My jaw hit the floor. “Ok thanks Abby but please don’t tell anyone.” I said to her and left. I went back to my desk. I just can’t believe I knew her all those years. I have to say it to her. But not like that. I want to make it special. I decided to tell her how I feel about her. Then I realized that Ziva was standing right in front of me. “Tony are you ok? It seems like you saw a ghost!” she said. “I am fine… So what are your plans for today Zi-va?” I asked her. “Nothing special. I will just stay at home.” she said. “Then why don’t you come over at my house at 8. We will celebrate together Valentine’s day.” I said. “OK, see you at 8.” she said and left. I got back home and prepared everything for tonight. I have to TELL HER.

Zivas P.O.V.:

I could say that Tony wanted to say something today but he didn’t. I’ll ask him today. I got back to my house, read my book and got ready. I took a shower, I dried my hair, made then into soft curls, wore my blue long dress with a cut back and a cut that made my foot show a bit. The front had a V shape. I put some make-up, I wore my black high-heels, took my coat and left.

Tonys P.O.V.:

I heard a knock at the door and went to open it after I had looked myself to the mirror. “Hi Ziva.” I said. “Hi” she said. She was wearing her coat, so I couldn’t see what she was wearing. When she took off her coat my jaw hit the floor and my eyes fall off my head. “Wow Ziva you look amazing… and very sexy.” I said and she blushed. “Thanks. You look handsome too.” she said. “Shall we go inside and eat?” I asked her. “OK” she said. We went to the table and Ziva looked amazed. “Tony did you do all this for me?” she asked. “Yeah. I think you worth it.” I said and saw her smiling. We ate and sat to the couch to watch a movie. “I didn’t know you can cook so good.” she said. “It is because I don’t cook very often.” I said and started the movie. “OK before we start watching I want to say something to you.” I said. “Ok what is it?” she asked. “I want to tell you that you are the most amazing creature in the world. You deserve everything good. And even if someone die for you, you worth it.” I said. Then I heard her sobbing. “Why are you crying?” I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to me. “No…nobody has ever said something like this to me.” she said and nuzzled her nose to my neck. “Well this is nothing in front of what you really deserve.” I said. “You are so sweet.” she said and kissed me. I could believe she did that. “I should leave now…sorry.” she tried to get up but I pulled her back to my arms and kissed her. We kissed passionately for 10 minutes and then we pulled away for air. “Happy Valentine’s day.” I said to her. She smiled and kissed me one more time. “Happy Valentine’s Day to you too.” she said. “So do you want to watch the movie?” I asked her. “Only if we stay like that.” she said. “Fine by me.” I said and started the movie. I didn’t really watch the movie. I was watching Ziva. Her hair, her eyes, her beauty. When I realized that the movie was over, Zive was almost asleep. “Hey Ziva do you want to stay mere tonight?” I asked her and she nodded. I gave her one of my T-shirts to change and I went to change too. After I got out of my bedroom I saw Ziva sleeping on the couch. “Hey go sleep on my bed and I’ll take the couch.” I said. “I don’t think so.” she said. “Then you don’t leave me another choice.” I said and picked her up bridal style. I carried her to my bedroom even if she was trying to leave. “Put me down Tony. I am too heavy for you.” she said. “Are you serious? I could carry you with one hand.” I said. She tried to leave but I started to tickle her. “T…Tony stop.” she laughed. “Ok but you will give me a kiss.” I said. “Ok” she laughed. I let her down and pulled her closer. She put her arms around my neck and I wrapped my arms around her waist. We kissed one more time. “I love you” I said to her. “I love you too.” she said. She really said that she loves me too. I kissed her one more time but she pulled away. “Why did you pull away?” I asked her. “I just want to say that I want to take it slowly ok?” she said. “If that is what you want ok.” I said and gave her a kiss on the forehead. She laid on the bed and I left. “Tony?” she asked me. “Yes Ziva?” I asked her. “Can you please lay here with me?” she said. “Sure” I laid next to her and wrapped my arms around her. Then we both fall asleep.

Finally tiva happened...

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