Chapter 11

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*4 years later*

Tonys P.O.V.:

Ziva is gone to Israel almost for 3 months now. I miss her. I miss Ziva, my ninja. Wait did I say my? Well she is not mine, as much as I wish she was. How could Ziva ever love me? I was thinking about all these things when I felt a pain in the back of my head. “Dinozzo, concentrate.” Gibbs said. “Boss I need to talk to you.”. Then I went to the elevator with Gibbs, the doors closed and Gibbs turned it off. “What Tony?” he asked me. “It is about Ziva. None of us had any news from her since she stayed in Israel and we are worried about her.” I said. “And what do you want me to do?” he said. “I want to find her, bring her back.” I said. “That’s on you Tony. Find her.” Gibbs said and turned the elevator on. I stepped out of the elevator and sent an e-mail to Mcgee and Abby. ‘Meet you in 20’ in Abbys lab. Find everything that has to do with Ziva since she stayed in Israel. Gibbs said it is ok. We need to find her.’. I sent it and I started to look for information.

After 20 minutes I went to Abbys lab. “So what do we got so far?” I asked. “Well, Ziva went on a mission after she stayed in Israel.” Mcgee said. “Where?” I asked. “The question is not only where, it is also why and what happened there?” Mcgee said and we both turned our heads to face Abby. “So the mission where Ziva went took place in Somalia, a place in East Africa. She went there by a boat but the boat flooded before it could reach the port…” she said sadly. “Guys do you realize that what are you saying to me? You are saying that she is dead.” I said and stormed out. I went back to my desk and start searching. No she can’t be dead, she just can’t. I told Gibbs everything and he said that he already knew it and that she might not be dead because a farmer in Somalia said that he saw a woman that looked like Ziva in a truck. “Boss I am going to Somalia. I am going to find her. I am the one that made her stay there and go to that mission so I am going to be the one that will bring her back.” I said. “Ok but me and Mcgee will come with you.” he said. “Thanks boss.” I said and after that I went home to pack some things. Did you knew that in another language Sahara means desert? So Sahara desert means the desert of the desert. Wow it will have a lot of sand.

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