Chapter 38

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Ok back to our story...

Zivas P.O.V.:

It has been 2 weeks since I have been in D.C. Everything was amazing. Me and Tony are together and I love him. I went to the office and met the girl that replaced me. She is a really good person and said that I could have my job back because she is moving with her husband in Canada. I started work again, well only desk work. But now Gibbs has sent me to Abby. Me and Abby have been super close and we tell everything to each other. She told me that she has feelings for Mcgee which I knew already. Then I heard the elevator 'ding' and Gibbs, Tony and Mcgee came out. Tony gave me a kiss and then went back to his desk. The day ran fast and Gibbs told us to go home. "Ready to leave sweet cheeks?" Tony asked me. "Go home and I'll come later. I am going for a walk." I said.

When I got back home I saw Tony talking to a girl that looked like... Jeanne. Then she kissed him. I got angry and walked into the room. "Jeanne what the hell do you want here." I asked her. "My love, the fact that Tony lives with you because you carry his child doesn't mean that he can't date other women." she said. "Tony is this true?" I asked. "No" he said.

Tonys P.O.V.:

WTH! Jeanne is back! But I don't love her anymore. I love Ziva and we are going to have a baby together. Now Jeanne is trying to irritate her. Then I felt that someone injected me with something. "Tony choose me or her." she said. Before I had the chance to say something I started falling but Jeanne caught me and kissed me. Damn! Now Ziva will think that I chose Jeanne, I thought and blacked out.

Zivas P.O.V.:

I can't believe that Tony chose Jeanne. I stormed out and left the house. I drove at Gibbs house and knocked the door. Then I remembered that he doesn't lock, so I went straight to his basement. "Hey Ziver. Why are you crying?" he asked me. I hugged him and cried. "T...Tony...h...he l...loves J...Jeanne..." I cried. "First you need to calm down. Second, I'll talk to him in the morning but are you sure that happened? He really loves you and you are carrying his kid." Gibbs said. "I don't care anymore. I will raise my child by my one." I said. "Ziva you know that you have the rest of us. Now you should rest. Take my bed and I'll sleep on the couch." he said. I went upstairs and everything went black.

Tonys P.O.V.:

I woke up tied up in a chair. Then someone came from the door. It... RAY! "Well hello agent Dinozzo. Missed me?" Ray said. "No, I didn't miss you at all. Why aren't you in jail?" I asked. "I escaped and now I am here to get my revenge. You took my Ziva and now I am here to take her back which will make you suffer." he said with a devious smile. "If you touch her I swear I'll kill you." I said. He laughed and walked out. After some minutes he came back and drugged me. I blacked out. When I woke up I felt someone tied up behind me but I couldn't see who it was.

Zivas P.O.V.:

I woke up with a terrible headache and my bump hurt. "Who is there?" I heard someone whispering. "Tony...?" I asked."Ziva are you ok?" he asked me. "What do you care? You have your Jeanne now.". "Ziva please let me explain. When you asked me to choose Jeanne drugged me and I was going to fall but she caught me and kissed me without me wanting to. I am sorry." he said and I started to tear up. "No Tony I am sorry. I didn't trust you and got affected by Jeanne. Now we are here because of me." I cried. "Please Ziva don't cry. It is not your fault. Please don't cry...for me." he said with a sweet voice. "O...k." I stopped.

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