Chapter 5

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Tonys P.O.V.:

She didn’t tell me her name. The only thing I heard was the first letter of her name because her father yelled her. It was ‘Z’. I didn’t hear the other. Maybe I see her again one day. Who could forget her chocolate eyes, her perfect smile and voice? Nobody I know it. What if I see her again tomorrow or another day? Then I would ask her everything I wanted to know. But maybe I can figure out who she was by myself. Let’s see…her name starts with a ‘Z’ and I don’t think she is American. She might be European or Asian because of her tropical and thin accent plus her tanned skin. Yeah it is not much. Well I should go back to the guys. They must be worried about me, mostly Kate because she knows about me and my stuck for the beautiful and mysterious singer.

Kates P.O.V.:

I start getting worried for Tony. He has gone to the parking for almost 45 minutes. Maybe he is having a good time with the singer. If my guess is right I will be so happy for him, he is like a brother to me. We are friends since junior high school. Oh there he is. I am sitting with Tim and Abby to some chairs.

Abbys P.O.V.:

Tony came over to us but he doesn’t seem very happy. “Hey Tony, what’s wrong?” I asked him. “How did you know something is wrong? Is it so obvious?” he asked me. “I know you very well and this face shows me that you are sad. So what’s wrong?” I replied. “Let me guess, you got rejected by a girl?” Mcgee said with a sarcastic voice. “Not exactly Mcgee.” Tony said. OMG he didn’t even said one of his nicknames. That must be serious. Then he told us everything, about the singer, the parking scene and her dad. Oh I am so sorry for him. This is the first time I saw him so sad. We talked for a while and we went back to our houses. I just couldn’t stop thinking about Tony and that mysterious singer. Who was she? Will she come back? All these questions were running to my mind until I fell asleep.

Next morning I got up and got ready for school. At school I saw Kate and Mcgee but no Tony. I called him and he said that he doesn’t feel very well and that he will not come to school today. WOW he is so heartbroken. I have to find who she was.

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