Chapter 8

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Six years later: Tony is 22 years old and works for the N.C.I.S. He still hasn’t forgot that night but he had moved on. Mcgee is also 22 and he is also working for the N.C.I.S. He works with Tony and Kate. Abby is their scientist so she is also in the team. Gibbs is the leader of the team and Ducky with Palmer are in the autopsy. Ziva is still a member of Mossad. She also hasn’t forgot that night but she moved on. Abby is the cutest and happiest Goth ever. I was a normal day in D.C. …for now ;).

Tonys P.O.V.:

What an amazing day here in D.C.! Not from the side of weather because this week is rainy. But I feel very happy and that is good for me. I entered into the bullpen and I saw Kate and Mcgee sitting in their desks. I sat on my desk and we start talking.

T: Hey Kate. Good morning Timmy.

M: Good morning to you too Tony.

K: Tony why are you so happy today?

M: Yeah, Kate you are right. Why are you so happy?

T: I don’t know. Can’t I be happy once for no reason?

K: Of course you can but I just asked the reason.

We were ‘working’ when suddenly Gibbs told us to go somewhere and arrest someone called Ari Haswari.

*After what happened with Kate but before Zivas coming*

Tonys P.O.V.:

OMG I can’t believe Kate is dead. I just can’t. I was sitting on my desk on my desk when I saw Kate in frond of me wearing a Catholic schoolgirl uniform. “Sometimes I used to picture you naked.” I said while Kate was screaming. A woman was standing some meters away looking at me when I saw her. I opened and closed my phone so she would think I was talking on the phone and not that I am a psycho. “I am calling you back. Hey I was just …” I tried to think of something smart when she talked. “Having phone sex?”. “Phone sex? No! Charades. ” I said trying to make it sound real. “Like…” she showed me some moves to see if she was right. “You have played!” I said. “Never on the phone.” she replied. “Yeah… my partner and I were coming up for quotes for Saturday night.”. “You play charades on Saturday night?” she asked. “To kill time before I go clubbing… who are you?” I asked. “Ziva David. Mossad.” she said. “You are Israeli?” I asked. “Very good connection. Mossad-Israel.” she said smiling. “What can I do for you miss David?” I asked. “Nothing. I am here to see special agent Gibbs.” she said. “How do you know I am not Gibbs?”. “Gibbs?” she said. “He will come back in an hour. Are you sure I can’t help you?” I said. “No, I don’t think so.” she

said. “We got off to a bad start. I am special agent Antony Dinozzo. I wasn’t playing charades, I was remembering my partner.” I said. “Naked?” she asked. “No, yes I… I was just… look I am not the only man who does that.” I said. “Oh women do it too… with handsome men and even occasional women.” she said. “Now you are teasing me” I said. “Didn’t your partner tease you?” she asked. “Not about sex. Kate was kind of puritanical.” I said. “Sorry.” she said. “But it didn’t matter, I wasn’t interested in her, we were partners.”. ”Was she attractive?” she asked. “She was but not to me.” I said. “Then why did you imagine her naked?” she asked. “Miss David… you can sit there and slouch provocately for an hour, if you would like or you could tell me what you need and maybe I can help.” I said. “You can’t help because I am here to stop special agent Gibbs from killing a Mossad officer.” She said. “Ari Haswari?” I asked. “Yes”. “I would wish you luck but I want that bastard dead too.” I said.

A.N. I want this book to have parts from the show, so this is what I am going to do for some chapters. I am going to take episodes and add some of my ideas. I will not do that in all chapters. ♥

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