Chapter 34

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Zivas P.O.V.:

It is June. Two months have passed since I have left from D.C. and came to Israel. Since Parsons is after me I came here. I am staying to the house I was born. I felt lonely. I was talking with tony but it wasn’t the same. I have made a decision that he won’t like but I have to do it. Then I heard a knock at the door. I opened the door and saw Tony. I couldn’t believe he was here. “Hi Ziva.” he said. “Hi Tony. Come in.” I said. We went into the house and sat on the couch. “I have missed you so much.” I kissed him. “I missed you too.”  he said.  We cuddled there for a while without talking. “Tony can I ask you something?”. “Sure what is it.” he said. “What are you exactly doing here?’ I asked him. “Well, I know that you wanted some time alone but I can’t live without you.” he said. “Tony it is not just that… I decided to stay here and start over. I want to erase the past. I know it sounds crazy but this is what I need to do.” I said. “Ziva please I am begging you please don’t do that. We all care about you. Don’t do that, please. I can’t lose you, I love you.” he said. Tears were running from my eyes. Tony wrapped his arms around me and held me close until I fall asleep.

Tonys P.O.V.:

I can’t believe she wants to live here and start over. She fell asleep in my arms. I soon fall asleep to. When I woke she was playing with my hair. “Hey” I said. “Hi. Slept well?” she asked me. “Yeah.”. “How long will you stay?” she asked. “Tomorrow morning I am leaving.” I said. “What do you want to do until then?” she asked me. “I just want to stay with you in my arms.” I said. “Tony please don’t make this harder.” she said. It was already afternoon so we ate and watched a movie. When the movie was over we kissed and went to the bedroom.

Next morning we woke up, ate breakfast and got ready. We went to the airport and stood there.

“This is your last chance. You can think about it.” I said. “Tony you know how hard it is for me too.” she said. I gave her a long passionate kiss that was different from the others. It was the BEST kiss in my life but it had to be the goodbye kiss. “Hardest 180 of my life.” I said and got into the plane. I saw that she had hid her necklace on my pocket. I wrote on a piece of paper my list of I WILL.

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