Chapter 43

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Zivas P.O.V:

This is the week that I will probably give birth...Yay! I can't wait to see my baby girl. I got up, threw up,  got ready and went to N.C.I.S. because I am afraid to stay alone. I bought a tea and went to the squad room. "Good morning Ziva" Gibbs said. "Good morning" I said. "Hey love how did you sleep?" Tony asked me. "Good" I said. He stood up and gave me a kiss. He sat back on his chair with me on his lap. "Are you sure I am not distracting you from work?" I asked him. "Yeah like Dinozzo works other times." Gibbs said and I tried to hold my laugh. "Hey" Tony said. "Come on Tony it was just a joke." I said. He wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled his nose to my hair. "Hi guys" Mcgee said. "Hi Mcgee" we all said. An hour later Tony was tickling me and I could barely breath. "Tony...p-please stop...I-I can't b-breath." I laughed. Then I felt a sharp pain through my bump. "Tony...TONY!"I tried to breathe normally. "What sweet cheeks?" he stopped tickling me. "My water broke." I said calmly. "Omg Ziva. Come on let's go to the hospital. I'll call everyone." he said. I was panicked but also excited. When we arrived they took me into a room but said that I should wait because I wasn't ready yet. Tony was next to me, which made things better. "How do you feel honey?" Tony asked me. "Good for now."I said and screamed in pain. "Yeah not that good." I said.

*6 hours later*

Finally after 6 hours of pain and screaming I gave the final push. Then I heard a small cry. I smiled and let go of Tonys hand because I must have broke it by now. The doctor gave me my baby girl wrapped up with a pink blanket. I held her in my arms and smile. She looked so beautiful. She had my tanned skin and she had some curly brown hair. Her little eyes were closed so I can't see them. "We have such a beautiful daughter." I said. "Yeah and she looks just like her mother." Tony smiled. "You never know. She might have your eyes." I said. "No she has your eyes...look." he said and I looked at our baby and she actually had my eyes. Then the door opened and everyone came inside. "OMG Ziva she looks like you. She is so cute. What's her name?" Abby said. "We haven't decided yet but I want Ziva to pick the name." Tony kissed my forehead. "Ok... so this is... Tali Kelly David-Dinozzo." I said and Gibbs smiled. "It is a beautiful name for such a beautiful baby." Ducky said. "Can I hold her?" Abby said excited. I passed Tali to Abby, Abby passed her to Mcgee, Mcgee passed her to Ducky, Ducky passed her to Jimmy, Jimmy passed her to Gibbs and Gibbs passed her to Tony. He held her for a while and then gave her to me again. Then he kneeled in one knee. "Ziva David, I know you for years and I fall in love with you since the first time I laid my eyes on you. Now we have this beautiful baby and I love you more than anything. Ziva David will you marry me?" Tony pulled out a box with a ring. Tears started streaming down my face. "Y...Yes" I finally said. He placed a diamond ring on my finger and gave me a passionate kiss.

Next day I went back home with Tali. Me and Tony moved into a new house and we had already prepared her room. On the way back to home I was looking at my beautiful girl. Every time I was looking at her, I was smiling. "Ziva? Ziva come back to earth." I came into reality. "Oh sorry Tony I was looking at Tali. She is so beautiful that I could just stare her all day." I said. "I know, I have the same thing with her mother." he said and I smiled. When we got home Tali was asleep so I put her in her crib. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I changed clothes and went back to the living room where I found Tony sitting on the couch. I went behind him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Ziva you scared the hell out of me. I think I am having a heart attack." he said. I sat next to him and he pulled me to his lap. "I am so happy that we are going to get married, that we have this beautiful daughter and that I am normal sized again!!!" I said. "You know now that you are not pregnant I can tickle you." he said. "Only?" I smirked at him. "I just thought of the most innocent." he said. Then he started tickling me and I was laughing really loud. "Tony p-please... stop... I c-can't breathe." I said. "Only a little more" he said. Then I rolled off the couch and fall on the floor. He came on top of me and kissed me. We made out for some minutes and then he picked me up. He laid me on our bed. "Tony can we continue this tomorrow because I just gave birth and I also feel dead tired." I said. "Goodnight" he said and kissed me one more time. "Good night" I said.

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