Chapter 46

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*Next year in May*

Ziva's P.O.V.:

Today! Finally today I am going to get married. I am going to be Mrs Dinozzo and Abby is going to be Mrs McGee. My wedding dress is  a long white dress with a sweetheart neckline. It has a bit of bubble shape and tiny little diamonds. Abby's wedding dress was different. It was a very light color of pink and has black details. It was also long with a sweetheart neckline. Both were very beautiful. My hair were curly, falling to my shoulders while Abby's were caught in a beautiful bun. We were wearing normal amounts of make up and some amazing accessories. (Dresses are in the picture). Tali was our bridesmaid and she looked really cute in her dress.
Me and Abby had decided that Gibbs was going to walk us down the aisle. The music started and me and Abby  couldn't stop smiling. Gibbs gave me to Tony, gave Abby to McGee and took Tali who was holding my hand because she had just started walking. Until the ceremony ended I had my fingers intertwined with Tony's and looking into each other's eyes,smiling. When we heard the words "You may now kiss the bride" me and Tony had our first kiss as husband and wife. It was a short but sweet kiss. "I love you Mrs Dinozzo." Tony whispered to me. "I love you too." I whispered back. Then our little girl came to us. I picked her up and kissed her cheek. "Hey sweetheart." I said to her. "Hi ima. You look beautiful."she said. "Yes she first Tali." Tony agreed with her. Abby and McGee came to us. "Guys come on. Everyone is waiting for us." Abby said.

We all walked into the room were the 'celebration' was taking place. "Can I have this dance?" Gibbs asked me. "Of course." I stood up and walked to the dancefloor with Gibbs. I really felt him as a father. After I danced with Gibbs and Ducky I went and stood next to Abby. "Hey Ziva." Abby said. "Hey Abby.Where is McGee?" I asked. "He is dancing with his sister. So...did you tell him?" she asked me. "Not yet but I am planning to tonight." I said. Everyone knew my secret except Tony. I looked at  him and saw her dancing with Tali. I smiled at the scene in front of me and thought how lucky I was. Some minutes later Tony came to my direction and kissed me. "Where is Tali?" I asked. "Asleep on Gibbs' lap."he said. "May I have this dance Mrs Dinozzo?" Tony asked me and I giggled. "Of course" I replied and followed him to the dancefloor. His hands on my lower back and I wrapped my arms around his neck. My body was against his and I rested my head on his chest. "I am the luckiest man on the world having Tali as my daughter and you as my wife. Do you think we should give her some  siblings?" Tony whispered in my ear.  "Oh she will have a brother or a sister in 8 months because I am pregnant." I whispered back. He lifted up my chin gave me a passionate kiss and swung me around, making me laugh like a 3 year old girl. "Oh my God that is so amazing! We are going to have another baby! I love you so much... how far long are you?"he asked me and kissed me. "A month. I found out a week ago." I said. "Then why didn't you tell me earlier?" he asked. "I wanted to surprise you today." I said. We stopped dancing and went back to Tali who had just woke up. I sat on my chair and took Tali on my lap. "Sweetie can I tell you a secret?" I said to her. "Yes Ima tell me a secret..." she said. "You are going to be a big sister. The is going to a another baby in the house." I said to her and wished she would understand that we would still love her no matter what. "Where is it?" she asked. "In there" Tony pointed at my stomach. "Ima! Why did you ate the baby?" She asked confused. I chuckled."Sweetie, I did not ate the baby. It is growing in there like you did and you are going to see it in 8 months." I tried to explain. Some minutes later Tali fell asleep again with her little hand on my stomach. I looked at her and stroked her curly hair. Tony wrapped his arm around my waist. "I love all of you to the moon and back." Tony said and kissed my cheek. "We love you too." I turned and kissed him sweetly.

One more chapter to go and then...finished... Also because the picture caan not be seen I'll show Ziva's wedding dress in this chapter and Abby's in the next one...  


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