Chapter 17

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Two years later

Zivas P.O.V.:

Today would be a good day. You want to know why? Because Ray (my boyfriend that works for the C.I.A.) is back from his mission and we are going to have dinner together. I love it. It will get my off everything that is happening lately. If you are wondering what I am talking about I mean that a new girl arrived with her team from Spain and Tony is dating her (by the way her name is E.J. Burette). I don’t know why but I feel a little jealous. No, no, I can’t be jealous. I have Ray. Ok I have to get back to work or else Gibbs is going to kill me. Well it is not a very bad option because I just told you the reason why. Girl, wake up, you have a date with the man you love. I don’t have to care about and that blonde E.J. girl. So back to earth, back to the victim. Oh great, we have to do with a serial killer. “Ziva, go to the hotel he was staying and check if he has left anything.” Gibbs said to me and I went to the hotel. I went into the room and fell a sharp pain to the left side of my head before I fell unconscious.

Tonys P.O.V.:

It has been an hour since Ziva has left and I am worried about her. “Where is Ziva?” Gibbs asked me and Mcgee. “We don’t know boss, she isn’t back yet and she doesn’t answer to her phone.” I said. “Then what are you waiting for Tony? Go find her.” Gibbs told me and I went to the hotel. When I got into the hotel room I saw… blood. I called Gibbs and 10 minutes later he came. “What the hell Dinozzo?” he asked me. “When I came in, I saw blood on the carpet. Nothing else.” I said. “Mcgee take these samples to Abby.” Gibbs said. Some minutes later Abby called. “Hi guys so the blood is… Zivas.” she said and I could hear her cry. “Abbs don’t worry. She is not dead. She is a ninja, a fighter. We will find her.” I tried to calm her down, but I was the one that had to calm down. E.J. came closer to me. “Don’t worry Tony, we will find her.” she told me. Me and E.J. had a one night stand but nothing more. Everyone thinks that we are dating and I haven’t corrected them yet because I live the way Ziva is acting. I just love Ziva but I can’t do anything because of C.I.Ray (Yeah I hate this guy). “It is different for some of us. You can’t understand.” I responded.

Zivas P.O.V.:

I just woke up and everything is blur. I feel so weak. Then I realized that I was tied up in a chair. Somebody came in and stood to my side. “Well, well, look at that beauty.” he said. “Let’s show your team how you are, they must worry about you.” he said and took a knife. He started to cut me, in my arms, stomach and legs. I was bleeding and I thought that I was going to die. Then he took a picture of me and sent it somewhere, probably to the team. I wish they find me fast because I don’t think I will be alive for too long. Then everything went black.

Tonys P.O.V.:

Someone sent us a picture. OMG it is Ziva. She is a mess. She is bleeding and she looks pale. She still looks beautiful to me. Ok I have to focus. “Mcgee can you trace it?” Gibbs asked. “Yes boss. She is in a farmhouse, half hour from here.” Mcgee said. “Let’s go.”. The car ride was silent. The only thing I could think about was Ziva. Was she alive? How much is she hurt? All these questions were running through my mind when Gibbs gave me a headslap. “Thanks boss.” I said. When we finally arrived to the house, I went to reach for Ziva. I checked every room but I didn’t find anything. I went to the basement and she was there. She was tied up to a chair, unconscious. I reached her pulse and it was very weak. I called an ambulance and they took her to the hospital. I asked Gibbs to go with her and he let me go.

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