Chapter Thirty-Two

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

     Time seemed to fly by, and before he knew it, it was early November. One chilly morning Sebastian received a letter from his father, a letter he had been dreading since last year. It was brief but consisted of exactly what he feared, Narcissa was released from Azkaban.

     In the back of his mind he knew he would never have to deal with the woman ever again, but just the thought of her being able to see Draco worried him more than anything. Draco loved his mother, but Narcissa was not a good influence on him, and she was the reason Draco was so spoiled. She would most likely be able to petition for partial custody over Draco if she wasn't mentally affected by the dementors. Sebastian knew that as long as the trial took place once Marvolo was Minister it would go their way, but with the current Minister, it wasn't guaranteed.

     Sebastian handed the letter over to Adrian.

     "Seems like my mother is finally out of
Azkaban, what a joy." Sebastian said sarcastically to Adrian.

     "You seem so excited." Adrian replied just as sarcastically.

     "You two are awful." Sam butted in, having had enough with the pair's sarcasm.

     "We are not, we just truly understand the art of sarcasm." Sebastian replied a bit cheekily, to which both Sam and Adrian rolled their eyes. It did cheer Sebastian up to know he had such great friends though.

     Quidditch practice later that day was gruelling, as the first game of the season was the next day, and Sebastian and Adrian were both exhausted by the time they were able to make it back to their dorm. Sebastian knew he still had a letter to write to his father, and hardly managed to pull himself off his bed to write a very short letter. A few minutes later he had the letter done and was able to get changed into his pajamas before climbing into his bed and quickly falling asleep.

     The next morning Sebastian was very anxious for the Quidditch game. He could hardly eat breakfast, and decided to just skip it all together and make his way up to the owlery to send his letter off to his father. He said hi to the Twins and Cedirc, and wished the Twins
luck on the game before leaving the Great Hall.

      When he made it to the owlery he pet one of the school owls before he gave the owl the letter and told the owl who to give the letter to. He decided to stay in the owlery for a while with the owls to hopefully relax his nerves.

     He was surprised when he heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and turned around to see Adrian.

     "What are you doing here?" Sebastian asked.

     "Looking for you obviously." Adrian said dryly. "You didn't eat anything."

     "Not hungry." Sebastian replied.

     "You're going to need your energy for the game. I don't want to have to tell your father why you died because you fell off your broom."

     "I won't die." Sebastian said while rolling his eyes. "But I'm too nervous to eat."

     "You'll do fine, you're one of the best fliers I've ever seen. And worst case scenario we lose, it's not the end of the world. But you need to eat." Adrian said and pulled out an apple from his pocket and offered it to Sebastian.

     "Thanks." Sebastian said as he took the apple with a large grin and took a large bite of it.

     "I can't have my favourite seeker falling off his broom, now can I?" Adrian said as he gave Sebastian a small smile and a playful shove. "Now let's go win this game!" Adrian exclaimed.

     Sebastian waited anxiously for the game to begin as Marcus Flint gave them a pre-game pep talk. He talked quickly and spoke briefly of strategy, but focused on the consequences the team would be facing if they lost.

     Sebastian and the rest of the team flew into the air as Lee Jordan called out their names. The Slytherin team took their places, and were quickly followed by the Gryffindor team, who got many more cheers than the Slytherin team did. The game started when madam Hooch released the quaffle, and Marcus was quickly able to gain possession of it and fly to the other side of the pitch. He tossed the quaffle to Adrian who was in the perfect position to shoot it passed the Gryffindor keeper, Oliver Wood, meaning Slytherin were up 10-0. The Slytherin stands burst into cheers, and the Slytherin team all yelled triumphantly at Adrian's first ingame goal. Sebastian, who realized he hadn't been paying attention to finding the snitch, and was more focused on Adrian scoring, quickly got back to looking for the golden ball. He briefly thought about how much he had been paying attention to Adrian lately, but shook himself, and told himself it was nothing.

     The score was 70-40 with Slytherin in the lead, when Sebastian finally spotted the snitch. He knew that the Gryffindor seeker was closer to the snitch so he knew what he had to do; he dived in the wrong direction of the snitch. As he suspected, the Gryffindor seeker followed him, and he was able to get the Gryffindor seeker far enough away from the snitch that once Sebastian had it in his sights again, he had a better chance at catching it. It was only seconds later that Sebastian was able to spot the snitch and race towards it. He didn't look behind him, but he knew the Gryffindor seeker would be hot on his tail. Weaving in and out of bludgers being hit at him by the twins, he was finally close enough to stretch his hand out towards the snitch, and before he knew it he had the gold ball of metal, fluttering in his hand. Clasping it tightly in his hand he held the snitch high above his head, and the Slytherins all burst into cheers. Sebastian flew down to his teammates and they all hugged him in a rare public display of affection, from the normally stone faced Slytherins.

     Lee Jordan told the crowd not too happily that Slytherin had won 220-40, and Fred and George both threw a grin Sebastian's way, a small way of saying good game, when they couldn't do so publicly.

     The Slytherin team chatted in the locker rooms happily, all still smiling from winning the game. This had been the first game they had won against Gryffindor in a while, and they were all determined they would win the Quidditch cup this year.

     Adrian went up to Sebastian once they were both changed and ready to head back inside.

     "Told you you had nothing to be nervous about." Adrian said.

     "Thanks." Sebastian said with a smile. "Do you want to head in for lunch? I'm starving."

     "That's what you get for not eating a proper breakfast." Adrian said, with a muttered 'idiot' under his breath as the pair headed towards the castle.

     Later that night the four, second year Slytherin boys were all sitting on sofas Sebastian had transfigured, chatting about the game.

     "That fake dive to lead the Gryffindor seeker the other way was genius, Sebastian." Jacob exclaimed.

     "I am known for my geniusness." Sebastian said with a playful grin.

     Adrian just smacked him across the head. "Jacob you know better than to say stuff like that, you're just inflating his already too big ego."

     "My ego is not too big!" Sebastian said vehemently.

     All three of his roommates just rolled their eyes at that.

     "Sure." Sam drawled. "Whatever you say."

     Sebastian just pouted to that, although it was something he'd adamantly deny, because Malfoy's did not pout.

     It wasn't much longer after that that the four boys all climbed into their own beds for the night, as both Sebastian and Adrian were tired from their first Quidditch game. That night Sebastian went to bed very happy, regardless of the fact Narcissa was out from Azkaban, all he cared about was that he had helped his team win his first proper game of Quidditch.

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