Chapter Nine

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

The next day Lucius was looking for his wife and couldn't find her or Draco anywhere. He found Sebastian in the library and decided to ask him if he had seen them. "Bast, have you seen your mum or brother?"
"I would assume they are making their weekly trip to the toy store and getting ice cream." Sebastian replied showing no emotion on his face or in his voice.
"Why didn't you go?" Lucius would have thought Sebastian would have liked to get ice cream at least.
"I was not invited, I only know because Draco always shows me his new toy every time."
"How long has this been happening? I never knew she would take Draco somewhere without inviting you."
"A while but I get it, he is her son. I just showed up on your doorstep one day, she carried him in her womb for nine months. She takes him to do stuff like you take me out to lunch, the only difference is she never does anything with me, where you always split your time between Draco and I. It's been happening since I got here after the shine of me being new wore off. At first it was subtle things like hugging Draco before bed and telling me to go to bed without her even walking me to my room, or praising Draco and ignoring me or never using my nickname while always calling you and Draco by your own. One morning you had left to go to the ministry too early to do my braids and I asked her but she told me she was too busy with Draco and then told me to go find a house elf to do them instead. I kinda just stopped asking her for anything, that's why I always go to you for everything. I have gotten used to being the second to her now, but it doesn't make it hurt any less when she pushes me off for Draco." Sebastian said, his voice cracking by the end and a tear slowly ran down his face.
Lucius couldn't believe what Sebastian was telling him, he knew his wife was always more biased towards Draco than Sebastian but he didn't realize how bad it got. He walked over to Sebastian, put his book to the side and lifted him up into his arms and hugged him tight. He could feel his shoulder getting wet, while he apologized for not noticing Narcissa's behaviour earlier, and whispered praises to him. He sat down on the couch in the library with Sebastian in his lap while he rubbed his back. "If there was anything I could do to make her not as biased towards Draco I would, but I know there is no way I could do anything and have her listen. She will probably always do more with Draco, but I promise you that I will always be here for you, when you need anything at all, I will help you."
"Thanks Papa. I love you." Sebastian said a watery smile.
"I love you too, Bast." Lucius replied, Sebastian had never told him he loved him before, and was hoping that Narcissa didn't have too big of an affect on him.

The next year went by rather quickly for the family, they fell into an easy routine. Draco and Sebastian's tutors would come over in the morning and they would work on their lessons, Sebastian had more than Draco because of the age difference and Sebastian was more eager to learn whereas Draco didn't really care. His papa would always do Sebastian's hair before he went to work in the mornings and they would go out for lunch once a week. Narcissa always favoured Draco, but Sebastian stopped caring as much, because he still had his papa to do things with him. And his brother still liked him to read his bedtime stories to him. Sebastian even made another friend named Adrian Pucey that was his age. His friendship with Cedric, Fred, and George was still strong and they often went to hang out at each other's houses, and Sebastian even met all four of the twin brothers, one sister and his parents.
Sebastian was faring well at ignoring his mother, as he now addressed her by, until one afternoon when he and his brother were having a fight after Sebastian accidentally knocked over a tower of blocks Draco built when he opened the door to Draco's room.
"You did it on purpose, you ruined my block tower!" Draco yelled.
"I didn't mean to knock it over, I just came to see you." Sebastian said, his voice at a normal level.
"Yes you did! You're so mean!"
"I didn't mean to, stop being childish." Sebastian said, his voice rising slightly.
"I hate you!" Draco said as he got up and punched Sebastian.
"Get off me!" Sebastian yelled at Draco as he pushed him away causing Draco to fall over. Draco started crying, and Narcissa only walked in to see Sebastian push over Draco.
"Mummy, Sebastian pushed me over!" Draco wailed.
"Sebastian how dare you push your brother over. We don't expect much from you, but fighting with your brother is a rule we made. I will be spanking you fifty times for hurting your brother. Over the desk now, let's go." Narcissa said in a stern voice as she hugged Draco.
"No, you need to listen to me about what happened first." Sebastian said, he wasn't going to yell because that would make things worse for him, but his voice was still strong.
"Yes, now Sebastian!" Narcissa said, this boy never listens she thought, and put Draco down and grabbed Sebastian's wrist.
"Don't touch me! Get off me!" He yelled as he wiggled out of his mothers grasp, he pushed her hard away from him and ran out the door towards his papas study, at least his papa always listened to him.
"Papa?" Sebastian said after he knocked on his papas study door. His papa opened the door and told him to have a seat after he shut the door behind them. "Will you listen to my side of the story please? Mother won't listen to me."
"I will, I promise I will always listen to you." Lucius replied. "What happened?"
"I wanted to see if Draco wanted to read with me and he was building a block tower that I accidentally knocked over when I opened the door. He started yelling and telling me he hated me and then punched me so I pushed him away from me and he tripped on his blocks and fell over. Mother only saw me push him and said she would spank me fifty times and wouldn't let me explain what happened." Sebastian then put his head down. "I yelled at her, and pushed her and told her not to touch me because I was mad, I shouldn't have yelled at her but she grabbed my wrist and I didn't like that."
Lucius sighed, he knew he had to punish him for yelling and pushing Narcissa, but it wouldn't be much because Narcissa really drove him crazy and wasn't fair between the boys. "Alright, I am not punishing you for fighting with your brother because you didn't really doing anything that warranted punishment. I will however have to punish you for yelling and pushing your mother, I know she shouldn't have grabbed you, but she is still your mother and you need to respect her. I will also be punishing your brother for punching and yelling at you, so I would like you to go stand in the corner, and think about how you could have dealt with the situation differently. Sebastian stood up and slowly walked his way to the corner where he stayed for ten minutes. When his ten minutes were up his papa came over and picked him up pulling him into a hug. "Just try and not get in your mother's way, okay? I know it's not fair for you, I don't know what she is thinking. I am glad you came to me before it escalated too far. I know it's hard to not fight back, but you did good except for the yelling and pushing, although you so rarely get in trouble I'm not even that mad that you couldn't keep your temper in check. I'll tell her that she's not allowed to punish you and if you break the rules to bring you to me so you can be properly punished." Sebastian nodded his head in thanks. Lucius walked Sebastian to the library to work on his homework and left him to go punish Draco.

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