Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

     It wasn't long before the first day of school was upon them. Sebastian had packed the day before, and Arthur and Viktor went back to Bulgaria a few days earlier. Sebastian was looking forward to going back to Hogwarts, and was hoping that he would be able to learn more about warding and curse breaking. He knew he either wanted to be a ward master or a cursebreaker, but he really needed to focus more on those topics if he was going to pursue them after Hogwarts.

     The train ride to Hogwarts was fun for Sebastian and his friends, and for the first time he sat with all his friends in one very squished compartment. Sam and Jacob both had interesting stories to tell about their summers, and although Sebastian had seen Fred, George, Cedric, and Adrian recently, they could always find topics to talk about.

     The opening feast was an interesting affair with Professor Lockhart being introduced as the new defense professor, as the last one quit at the end of the school year. Sebastian wasn't looking forward to defense class this year, as he was almost certain the man was a fraud. There was no way the man had been able to do what he did within the time frame, and still be as stupid as he was.

     Sebastian was able to speak with the Quidditch captain, Marcus Flint, about Quidditch tryouts, and was hopeful he would get to play seeker. Sebastian smiled at Adrain when Marcus told them there were open spots for both seeker and chaser. He was almost certain that the pair would get the spots they were looking for, as they had been flying for much longer than some others, and practiced as often as they could.

     When the feast finally came to a close the four Slytherin second year boys went back to their dorm together and unpacked their trunks. Sebastian conjured the sofa and two chairs again, as they had been changed back over the summer holiday. The four boys all sat down and chatted until they were all tired enough to sleep, knowing that they would need their energy for the first day of classes the next day.

     When Sebastian sat at breakfast the next morning with Adrian, he was excited when he saw that he had most of his classes with the Gryffindors, meaning he'd have all his friends in the same class.

     Charms and Transfiguration were two classes Sebastian enjoyed because they focused on spells so much, and had less reading compared to history or astronomy. It helped that both professor McGonagall and Flitwick were good teachers, and made the subjects much more interesting. It made Sebastian's first morning as a second year very enjoyable, the afternoon though, was a different story.

     He had History of Magic right after lunch, and instead of listening to professor Binns he read his own history book, and put a silencing charm around himself so he couldn't hear the drone of Binns voice, knowing it would put him to sleep. History wasn't horrible, but it was by no stretch fun. After history was where it really went down hill. He had defense against the dark arts with Lockhart.

     Lockhart's lesson was just as bad as he expected it to be. He told stories on how he killed vampires and trapped ghouls, none of which Sebastian believed actually happened. He gave them a quiz on topics that were covered in his books such as his favourite colour. Sebastian didn't even bother to fill the quiz out, if this class was going to be this bad all year he wondered if it was even worth attending. For the rest of the class instead of listening to Lockhart he passed notes back and forth with the Twins and Cedric about their next prank. Which Sebastian found was much more productive than listening to the idiot.


      The first two weeks of school passed way too quickly in Sebastian's opinion. With pulling pranks, and keeping on top of his homework, he hardly had anytime to read, something he missed greatly. As much as Sebastian loved his friends, he also loved his books. So on Saturday he spent the entire day sitting alone in his dorm reading. He studied all sorts of topics from the books he had got out of the library, and some that he had bought before school started. He enjoyed the quiet day, and was almost disappointed when his roommates walked into their dorm, but nonetheless he put his books away and chatted with them all for a while before going to bed.

     The following day were Quidditch tryouts, and Sebastian was a little bit nervous. There were a dozen people or so who were trying out for the team, and Marcus had them all line up to run drills.

     Everyone flew through the air, and it didn't take long for the weaker ones to be noticed, pulled out, and told to come back next year. Not long after only five people remained, Sebastian, Adrian, a third year, and two fifth years. Marcus put Sebastian and one of the fifth years through specific seeker drills and Adrian and the other two through chaser drills.

     After an hour of intense flying later they all flew to the ground when Marcus called them. He congratulated them all on their good flying, and said he would post who made the team on Tuesday.   

     Adrian and Sebastian walked back to their dorm to change, all the while talking about how they felt they did during the tryouts. Adrian thought he wasn't gonna get the spot as chaser because he missed an easy goal that the other two got, but he also scored a hard goal that the other two didn't, so he wasn't sure.

     Sebastian on the other hand, felt like he did pretty well. He didn't want to jinx it, but he thought he was way better than the other person trying out, and he had caught the snitch every time. And when Marcus threw golf balls for the pair to catch, he didn't miss a single one. When Sebastian told Adrian this, Adrian threw an arm around Sebastian's shoulder and told him that he was sure to get the role as seeker.

     After a shower, the boys headed down to dinner where they sat at the Gryffindor table as per Sebastian's request, as he wanted to sit with the Twins, and he knew Cedric would join them as well. When the Twins saw them they jumped up.

     "You're currently looking-" Fred exclaimed.

     "At the new-" George said.

     "Gryffindor beaters!" Fred finished with a large grin.

     Sebastian grinned. "I knew you guys would get the spots, you two are the perfect pair to play beaters!"

     "Nice job guys." Cedric exclaimed.

     "Now I'm almost scared to get the role of seeker with how good you two are together." Sebastian said.

     "Don't worry, Bast, we won't hurt you." Fred said.

     "Much." George added.

     "You guys are horrible." Adrian said with a small grin, showing that he wasn't being serious.

     "How you wound us." Cried George

     "Gred! He called us horrible, imagine that." Fred said dramatically.

     "Oh, quit it you two." Sebastian said, fighting a smile

     The five all continued talking throughout dinner, and Sebastian was really happy joking around with his friends.

     When dinner finally ended Sebastian and Adrian went up to their dorm with Jacob and Sam. They all sat together chatting, and it didn't take long for Sebastian to pull his blanket over from his bed to the couch and not much longer for his head to fall onto Adrian's shoulder. He dozed off listening to his friend's quiet conversation, and knew he'd end up in his bed the next morning.

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