Chapter Thirty-Three

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

     Two weeks later it was finally election day. Most of the wizarding world seemed to be in favour of Marvolo winning, but no one would truly know who the new Minister of Magic would be until all the results had been tallied.

     Witches and wizards weren't as advanced in technology as muggles, so all votes were tallied by hand, well wand. All witches and wizards that wanted to vote went into the Ministry the day of the election and filled out a little slip of paper which had the names of the candidates on it. Afterwards, the witch or wizard would put the ballot into a magical box that would sort the ballots by vote, and every hour or so, a ministry official would come by and cast a spell on the box to find out how many votes were for each person.

     It was clear by five pm that evening that Marvolo was going to win. His lead was so great that none of the other candidates could catch up to him, and by seven pm, most of the wizarding world was celebrating the win of such a great leader, if only they knew who he used to be.

     That evening Sebastian was sitting in Severus' quarters with him and Remus. Remus had all but moved into Severus' quarters, but he still had to have his own quarters because they didn't want people being nosy and asking questions. The three chatted about the election, and they were all looking forward to Marvolo allowing many new motions to be put in place, and having old laws be stripped away, and allowing new laws to be put in their place. Remus was especially looking forward to being considered an equal in the eyes of the government. For so long he had to hide in the shadows, but now he would finally be able to do things, like vote, and not have his every move tracked, and maybe even marry Severus without the world looking down upon them.

     The last thing had been on Remus' mind constantly, and was hoping to pop the question soon, he just feared Severus' rejection, as Severus was one of the few people in the world he loved.

     Sebastian on the other hand was completely thinking in another direction, he was excited because he knew Marvolo would be adding more teachers and classes to Hogwarts. He was hoping that the classes would start next year, and that he could take lots of electives. As well he really hoped they added warding as an elective. He was pretty certain he wanted to be a curse breaker when he was older, but wards always appealed to him because he loved the complexity of them.

     A few hours later Sebstian left Severus and Remus to finish their night in peace and went to the Slytherin common room, where he was able to converse with many of his fellow Slytherins about the election. Most Slytherins knew who Marvolo really was, and so many were very excited about him winning, as they had grown up hearing stories about Voldemort before he lost his sanity.

     With all the drama from the election, Quidditch practice, and keeping his grades up, Sebastian hardly realized Christmas, or Yule, break started tomorrow. He was excited because he was going to see Viktor and Arthur again, and this time they were going to Bulgaria to stay with them, rather than them going to their manor like normal.

     Sebastian had been rapidly trying to learn Bulgarian, and questioned why he hadn't bothered sooner. He quickly realized it was greatly different from English, and struggled with pronouncing even basic phrases, maybe he could get Viktor to teach him over the holiday. He continued trying, but finally gave up when Fred and George physically pulled him out of his seat and out of the library. They practically dragged him all the way to the abandoned classroom they used for all their prank making. When they arrived Cedric was already in the room. The four discussed their plans for their holidays, the Twins particularly spoke about a prank they were planning on their little brother, Ron. And Cedric mostly talked about travelling to Italy for his holiday. The four also tried to brew a potion for a prank they were developing, and the four ended up blowing up a couple of potions. The four were basing the potion off of another potion that was very difficult, and were trying to modify it so it had a slightly different affect. They wanted to modify the babbling beverage so it caused people to not only speak nonsense, but sound very high pitched as well. Sebastian had come up with a modified recipe, with using more aconite, and less dittany, and adding a fairy wing, to in theory make a very high pitched voice constantly babble nonsense.

     It took several tries to get the amount of everything perfect, but the four were finally left with perfect potion, and after testing it on each other, it proved very effective. Sebastian was given the task to brew several batches of the potion over break, so they would have enough to dose everyone in the Great Hall at the feast the day they came back to school.

     The next day brought Sebastian and his Slytherin friends taking the train home. He sat next to Adrian and across from Sam and Jacob, and they all played many rounds of exploding snap. The four boys got many sweets off the trolley, and ended up playing truth or dare, which led to Sam yelling 'chocolate frogs rule,' down the entire train, and Jacob standing on his head for ten minutes. The boys all had a blast, and were almost sad to see the ride come to an end.

     The boys said their goodbyes and made their way off the train. Sebastian was quickly able to find his father and little brother, and soon he was being apparated back to their manor.

     The family of three stayed up late into the night chatting and catching up on the events of each other's life. Draco had been spending plenty of time with his friends, and Lucius had been going to Bulgaria to see Arthur more often than he would admit. By the time the three of them went to bed, they were all exhausted and looking forward to going to Bulgaria the next day.

     The portkey the three took to Bulgaria left them all slightly disoriented when they landed, Draco more so than the other two. International portkey's were never pleasant, and the further you traveled, the worse the disorientation was. Once the three found their footing, they looked upon the large house standing in front of them. It was a large old brick three story house, with ivy growing up the sides, and a light dusting of snow covering the expansive lawn. It looked beautiful. The three slowly made their way to the front door while looking around at everything. The sky was bright blue, with not a cloud in sight.

     When Lucius knocked on the door Arthur was quick to open the door and greet them all with hugs, with Viktor not far behind him. Shortly after, Draco and Sebastian were both shown the rooms they would be sleeping in, so they could put their stuff away. Lucius would be sharing Arthur's room, and dropped his stuff in there.

     With the three unpacked and reacquainted, Viktor, Draco, and Sebastian all went out to the backyard with their brooms to fly for a while. They all flew circles around each other, and had races around the large backyard. Eventually they got a ball to throw around to act like a quaffle, and only after the boys were thoroughly worn out and cold did they head back inside.

     They all sat in front of the fire and drank hot chocolate while catching up with each other, not having seen one another since the summer. Viktor and Sebastian would occasionally write letters to each other, but both had plenty to tell each other. Viktor spoke lots of his close friends at Durmstrang, and the latest Quidditch game he had won at school.

      Sebastian told Viktor about his latest pranks, and the potions and spells he had been creating. Arthur, who had been listening to their conversation, peaked interest when Sbeastian started to talk about the spells he had been creating, particularly a shield charm Sebastian was creating. Sebastian was trying to create a strong enough shield to block the unforgivables, using both runes and an incantation. He figured if you were able to move your wand in the motion of the shield rune, while speaking the incantation 'scutum murum' which translated to wall shield, a wall like shield could be produced that was strong enough to stop any spell.

     Arthur and Lucius both went through his notes on the spell and were thoroughly impressed, and figured Sebastian was really onto something. Sebastian just needed to be able to properly form the shield, because so far he was unable to say the incantation and draw the rune fast enough to form a proper shield. Lucius and Arthur both tried it out and were able to make weak shields, but they knew it would take lots of practice to be able to properly form a shield, but were almost certain with enough practice the spell would be the most powerful shield ever created.

     Sebastian had to admit it would be pretty amazing to have been able to create the most powerful shield ever. The fact both his father and Arthur were proud of him for his progress on creating such a difficult spell probably felt the best though.

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