Chapter Fifteen

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

     Sebastian walked down the corridor of the Hogwarts Express to find the compartment his friends were in. He found it quickly and was greeted by the smiling faces of Cedric, Fred, and George.
     "Sebby! Long time no see!" Fred said excitedly.
     "Yeah! It's been a full five days since we've seen you!" George continued.
     "And we missed you loads!" Fred finished.
     "Yeah, I've missed you too guys. How are you all doing? Looking forward to pulling off the best pranks in the history of Hogwarts?" Sebastian replied, as he went and took a seat next to Cedric.
     "More than ready, we are going to be the biggest pranksters to ever pass through Hogwarts." Fred exclaimed.
     "I agree." Said Cedric, "Are we going with the plan to keep a low profile, so people don't suspect the pranks are from us?"
     "I think that's the best bet, and we will use our sign when we do big pranks. I was looking up spells to create our sign so everyone will know that it's the same people doing the pranks, and I think the best option is to create a spell to expel a dragon shaped light about 30 feet away from where we say the spell. I think Cedric and I could figure out how to make it without too much difficulty." Sebastian replied.
     "That sounds like a good plan, Fred and I have drawn a sketch of what the dragon will look like, so you will only need to create a light pattern of it." George said, as he pulled out the drawing of the dragon for their sign. The dragon was green with electric blue accents, and had a long tail with spikes.
     "That's brilliant! It will be perfect as our logo for our pranks." Cedric exclaimed.
     "It will be good once we start selling pranks and can use that on the packaging." Fred replied.
     "That it will, Fred." George said with a smile.
     "We all know the plan, get good grades, stay out of trouble, and no one will ever suspect we're The Dragons, who are going around pranking everyone." Sebastian said, knowing their plan was very Slytherin, but if he was a Slytherin, it wasn't his fault, he was raised by his father after all.

     Halfway through the train ride Adrian Pucey came into their compartment and sat beside Sebastian. Adrian and Sebastian had a close friendship, but Cedric and the twins didn't like him as much. But nonetheless they made small talk with him before they played a game of exploding snap, while Sebastian and Adrian talked. Eventually Sebastian fell asleep with his head on Adrian's shoulder, and didn't wake until Adrain had to wake him up to change into his Hogwarts robes.
     The five all left the train together and Cedric, and the Twins got in a boat with a muggleborn girl named Julie, who had long amber hair, and brown eyes, while Sebastian and Adrian got in a boat with two boys named Jacob, and Maxwell. Jacob was very tall with  short dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes, whereas Maxwell had very short red hair, and light blue eyes.
     The boat ride across the lake was a good experience, and the sight of Hogwarts at this time a night was breathtaking. It was soon after that found the boys all standing with each other again waiting in the Great Hall to be sorted. The boys all knew which house they were most likely headed for, and had talked in advance about how they would meet up, even though they were in different houses.
     The sorting went by quickly, and they recognized a few people, like Julie Amber, who went to Hufflepuff, and Maxwell Carson, who went to Ravenclaw. Next up was Cedric, who only had the hat on about five seconds before it yelled out Hufflepuff. A few more names were called, then it was Sebastian's turn. He walked up to the stool confidently, and sat on the stool, 'Interesting, very interesting.' The hat said, 'You show many characteristics of each house, but you would get tired of the Hufflepuffs friendly ness, couldn't put up with all the Gryffindors rashness, and wouldn't like the Ravenclaws all trying to prove they were smarter than you. So that only leaves Slytherin, where you will do well, and have more sway as the war approaches."
"Better be, Slytherin!" The hat shouted aloud.
     Sebastian got off the stool and walked over to the Slytherin table, taking a seat near a third year named Marcus Flint, who he had briefly met a few years back. Adrian shortly joined him in Slytherin, as well as Jacob Quince. Fred and George were sorted soon after, and were placed in Gryffindor, and they both winked at Sebastian as they walked to the Gryffindor table.

     The feast was a loud affair, and Sebastian met a few upper year Slytherin's, and the other male Slytherin in his year, Samuel Smith. Sam, as he liked to be called, had dirty blond hair, with green eyes, and was only a few inches taller than Sebastian. He was a half blood, who only lived with his father, after his mother had died a few years ago. Sebastian thought he seemed like a nice bloke, and would be a good person to be around. He also got to know Jacob better, and learned that he was interested in creating spells, which was something they instantly connected on.
     After the feast had finished everyone sang the Hogwarts song, and the prefects led them down to the dungeons to the Slytherin common room. The Slytherin first year boys chatted once they got into their dorm and had each picked a bed. As there were only four of them there was plenty of extra room, so Sebastian transfigured a couch and two chairs so they could talk more comfortably. A few hours, and many topics later they were all getting tired, and Sebastian was tucked into Adrian's side fast asleep. Sebastian could fall asleep practically anywhere, as long as he felt safe, and had a habit of falling asleep on his friends and father. Adrian picked him up, muttering about him being too light, and gently placed him on his bed before pulling the covers up around Sebastian. He quietly put a spell on Sebastian to notify him if he woke up, because Adrian knew that even after three years of living with the Malfoy's, Sebastian sometimes had nightmares about the Dursleys, and Adrian wanted to be there for him if he did. He then shut Sebastian's curtains, before going to his own bed to go to sleep.
     A few minutes later the other three boys had fallen asleep, and were all excited about starting classes tomorrow morning.

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