Chapter Thirty-One

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

     The talk Sebastian had with his father went exactly how he expected it to. His father immediately wanted to go hurt the senile old man, but Sebastian was able to calm him down and get him to agree to wait to do anything about him.

     Sebastian had stayed up late the night before thinking about everything, and came up with a plan. He was almost certain that Marvolo would win Minister of Magic, as he was currently leading popularity wise, which would mean anything the current Minister allowed, Marvolo could change once he became Minister. That meant there was no way he could go back to the Dursley's, and Dumbledore couldn't do anything about it. Sebastian knew that Dumbledore was his magical guardian before the Malfoy's adopted him, and Dumbledore would have a lot of explaining to do if word got out that he placed him with an abusive family and didn't check on him. His plan was once Marvolo became Minister for that little fact to leak out. Then leak out the fact that Dumbledore put Voldemort under the imperius curse to kill his parents and create enough horcruxes to lose all ounces of sanity. Then if all went to plan Dumbledore would have his position of Headmaster and Supreme Mugwump taken away and sentenced to Azkaban, or hopefully worse.

     Sebastian headed back to school that afternoon, thankful for it being a Sunday. He had told his father his plans, and had written them down so his father could give them to Marvolo. His father had claimed that they were clever plans, but could be hard to pull off, especially with how popular Dumbledore has been since defeating Grindelwald. Sebastian would be interested to hear what Marvolo thought of the plans, as he was key in them.

     Arriving back at Hogwarts, he went and spent the day with Severus and Remus, who had invited him for a late lunch. He chatted with them about some defensive spells he had read about, but couldn't quite understand, and the pair of them were more than happy to help him. Severus told him about the new potion he was working on, and Sebastian listened with rapt attention, happily absorbing the information he was told. Adding his ideas when he could, but as he didn't know much about what Severus was trying to brew, he couldn't be too much help.

     It was easy to tell that Severus and Remus loved each other. Both smiled more, and Sebastian noticed Severus wasn't as harsh in class. He wouldn't be surprised if they married in a couple years, they both seemed to click together. They were both quiet people, liked reading, and their own space, and he could see why they worked so well together.

     After a nice afternoon, Sebastian headed to the Great Hall to meet with his friends for dinner. Cedric, the Twins, and him had been working on a prank recently, and tonight was the night they were testing it out. If everything went as planned all the food in the Great Hall would turn into chickens about thirty minutes into dinner. It was enough time so everyone could eat their fill first, but almost everyone would still be in the Hall, the perfect time for a prank.

     Sebastian was seated with Adrian, Sam, and Jacob when their dinner started squawking and growing feathers until they were full animated chickens. Everything was total chaos, and Fred sent up their customary sign, and the hall burst into laughter. Of course The Dragons strike again. Adrian turned his head to stare at Sebastian with a knowing glance, Sebastian tried to ignore it, but he was almost certain Adrian knew he was part of the whole display.

     A few minutes later everyone had calmed down and the chickens returned to their original form, leading to food being all across the Great Hall. Dumbledore then wished everyone a good night, and with a wave of his wand had the Great Hall sparkling clean again.

     The four boys were on their way down to the Slytherin common room when Adrian pulled Sebastian to the side telling the other boys they were going to the bathroom, and pulled him into an old empty classroom.

     "That was a pretty clever display tonight, was it not?" Adrian asked casually, too casually in Sebastian's opinion.

     "Yeah, whoever The Dragons are did a pretty good job." Sebastian said slightly nervously, but hoping he was maintaining a cool enough exterior Adrian wouldn't notice.

     "You're sneaky, but not that sneaky." Adrian said, as he held up a notebook that had some of Sebastian's prank ideas. Sebastian knew he was busted.

     "Alright, you got me. You're not going to tell anyone else, right?" Sebastian asked.

     "No, I won't, you guys are doing a good job filling the school with laughter, and your pranks are pretty funny. When will you tell everyone who "The Dragons" are?" Adrian replied..

     "Thanks." Sebastian said with a grin. "We're planning on revealing ourselves at graduation. Hopefully no one else is nosy and finds out until then." Sebastian said with a very pointed look at Adrian.

     "It's not my fault I got curious." Adrian said, but he couldn't keep the grin off his face.

     Sebastian just shoved him in response and took off out of the classroom before Adrian could retaliate. Unfortunately for Sebastian, Adrian caught up to him quickly, and easily tackled him to the ground. This led to the boys laughing and falling into a heap on the ground. Only when they caught their breath did they realize the position they were in and jump apart. With Adrain sitting on Sebastian and his hands on either side of his head, it took Adrian hardly a second to roll off Sebastian and to cough and clear his throat. "We should probably go down to the dorms." Adrian said awkwardly.

     "Yeah." Sebastian said as he stood up.

     The pair walked back to the dorms in silence, Sebastian's mind swirling with what had happened. 'It wasn't anything,' Sebastian told himself, but he was pretty certain the butterflies in his stomach weren't nothing.

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