Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

Monday seemed to drag on forever. Sebastian was sitting in the library studying defence, because he had decided to stop going to the frauds class. He just needed a little more solid evidence of how he told all the stories in his books, before he could get him put in prison for fraud. He knew there was no way it was possible for him to do all the things he said, but he just wasn't sure how he got to know all the stories in the first place.

He was practicing wand movements and incantations when a first year Hufflepuff came up to him and gave him a note. The first year scurried away before he could ask her any questions. Sebastian being the cautious person he was, made sure there were no curses or hexes attached to the note, and when he found none, he opened it.

It was a small note written in fancy calligraphy, it simply read, Mr. Malfoy, You missed DADA today, I expect you in my office at 8 o'clock tonight. - Professor Lockhart.

Sebastian groaned, the last thing he wanted today was go see Lockhart. He crumpled up the note and was about to light it on fire, when he remembered he was in a library and that wouldn't be smart. Reluctantly he shoved it in his pocket and tried to go back to his reading, but since he couldn't focus, he decided to pack up his stuff and get ready for transfiguration.

At quarter to eight Sebastian stood up from his chair in the Slytherin common room and made his way to Lockhart's office. He unenthusiastically knocked on the door to Lockhart's office, and waited for a response. Lockhart yelled a "Come in" and Sebastian opened the door. He was greeted by hundreds of pictures of Lockhart, it looked as if he had just walked into a fangirls room.

"Ah, Harry my boy, I can call you that, surely. You don't need to put up your Slytherin facade here, I know you're probably just scared the Malfoy's will hurt you if you don't, but no one will know but me." Lockhart said in a sickly sweet voice.

"My name, is Sebastian, or Malfoy to you." Sebastian said in a low angry voice. "My family would never hurt me, you fraud. You just wait until I tell my father about you, he's a school governor, and there is no way he's going to keep you here any longer. All you are is a fraud who cares too much about his looks."

Lockhart stalked forward towards Sebastian so there was only about a foot between them, and he dropped the jovial look. "I am no fraud, Mr. Malfoy" He said, spitting out the word Malfoy as if it left a bad taste in his mouth. "I have done everything I said in my books, and there is no way you can prove otherwise." Lockhart said, venom dripping in his voice.

"I know that you didn't do any of those things you said in your books, your biggest accomplishment in life is winning the Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award, and even that is stupid because you're smile isn't even white." Sebastian said, knowing that he had just hit Lockhart where it hurt, and was hoping he would give away how he found out about the stuff he wrote in his books. He didn't expect what happened next. Lockhart shoved him up against the wall and slapped him across the face.

"You are just a little second year snake." Sebastian heard Lockhart hiss, even with the ringing in his ears. "You will never amount to anything, and I am famous, and no one will ever know this conversation ever happened. I happened to be well adept in memory charms." Lockhart said.

And in that moment Sebastian knew how Lockhart had got a hold of all those stories, he would listen to someone tell their own story, and then obliviate them of ever doing it, and claim that he did it himself. Or something along the lines of that, but it was close enough that Sebastian could get him fired for it, and hopefully sent to azkaban.

He realized that he had to get out of this situation, but wasn't sure what to do. Lockhart was much bigger and stronger than him, so he needed to think of something, and fast. He suddenly thought that if he built up a ball of magic in his hands he could use it to push Lockart away from him, and then he could grab his wand and stun him. With his plan set, he started to build up his magic quickly, and watched as Lockhart took out his wand, and before Lockhart could start an incantation Sebastian threw his ball of magic at him.

Lockhart went flying across the room and Sebastian quickly pulled out his wand and stunned the man. Finally, as Sebastian watched Lockhart crumple to the ground he sighed in relief, and moved his hand to his stinging cheek. There was a brief flash when Lockhart had hit him that made him feel like he was at the Dursleys again, and it scared him more than he wanted to admit. He decided that getting Severus would probably be the best thing to do, but first he took a couple deep breaths to calm his nerves.

He walked quickly down to the dungeons where he was hoping Severus was, and knocked on his office door, knowing that he often spent his time marking essays in there. He received a sharp "Enter" in reply and slowly opened the door. When Severus looked up at him and saw his face he stood up and quickly came over.

He kneeled down and gently ran his thumb over Sebastian's cheek. "What happened, Bast?"

"Lockhart, he's in his office stunned. Can I go home for the night? I want to go see Papa." Sebastian said. He didn't feel like talking much, and definitely didn't feel like giving any details of what just happened.

"Alright, you can go through the floo. Does your father have any bruise balm at the manor?" Severus asked.

Sebastian nodded, and went in the direction of the fireplace. "Could you go tell my roommates I went home for the night and will explain tomorrow please." Sebastian asked.

"Of course." Severus said, and then Sebastian stepped through the floo.

When Sebastian got home he yelled out for his papa, not wanting to go through all the rooms in the manor to find him. As soon as he saw his papa walk into the room he ran up to him and wrapped his arms around his middle and buried his face into his chest.

"What happened, Bast? Are you okay?" His papa asked while he rubbed his back.

Sebastian just shook his head. He could finally let go now that he was in his father's arms.

It took a while but eventually Sebastian calmed down, and was just comfortable sitting on his father's lap, after allowing himself to be carried to the sofa. He told his father what happened after a lot of prompting, but was finally able to get it all out.

His father looked murderous after hearing what happened, and Sebastian wasn't certain he wouldn't have gone to Hogwarts right away if he wasn't on his lap. Sebastian did know that there was no way Lockhart would be teaching ever again, and would be going to prison, so he wouldn't have to deal with him anymore. As well, Lucius was going to do his best to get Remus as the new defence teacher, so Severus would be happier, and Sebastian would have a better teacher.

Sebastian and Lucius walked up to Sebastian's room together, and Lucius tucked Sebastian into bed, and rubbed some bruise salve onto his cheek that he had grabbed from the bathroom. He kissed Sebastian's forehead goodnight, and closed the door behind himself.

Sebastian stayed up late into the night thinking about what had happened. He was more shaken up than anything, and after so long without the Dursleys being slapped by an adult terrified him. If it was another kid it would be one thing, but the fact it was a professor really scared him, adults were supposed to be trusted, not people who hurt you. Sebastian eventually fell into a restless sleep, and he knew he would be exhausted the next day.

He went back to school the next evening, and the Twins and Cedric made sure he was okay, and chatted with him throughout dinner. He didn't go over to the Slytherins yet, as he knew they would show their care after dinner was over behind closed doors.

When Sebastian, Adrian, Sam, and Jacob made it back to their dormitory they all questioned him and asked what happened. After Sebastian quietly retold what happened his three roommates looked very angry. Adrian pulled Sebastian close to him and hugged him hard, and rubbed his hand across his cheek briefly to make sure it was healed. Sam and Jacob kept their distance, but he could tell they were both analyzing him to make sure he was really okay.

The next few days were difficult for Sebastian. He had to speak to some Aurors about what happened, and rumours around school spread fast, and everyone knew what happened. The highlight of his week was finding out that both him and Adrian had made the quidditch team, and learning that Cedric was made the Hufflepuff seeker made him happy as well. He was really excited that Remus was given the job as the new DADA teacher, and knew that he would learn much more in this year's defence classes than he would have ever learned with Lockhart.

Sebastian was hoping that after Lockharts bump in the road everything would go back to normal and be okay again. With the way things were looking, he was thinking they would be, but he didn't want to jinx it.

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